Friday, August 21, 2020

Improving Organisational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Improving Organizational Performance - Essay Example Objective Setting 7 Evaluating What and How 8 By and large Performance Rating and Rewarding premise on the appraisal 8 Difficulties and Negative impacts of Performance Management System 9 Adjusted Proposals 10 Suggestions for Line Managers 11 Conclusion 12 References 14 Appendix 16 Presentation Execution the executives is a deliberate advancement that improves the exhibition of an association by the improvement of individuals’ abilities and viability (Deb, 2009, p.36). Additionally, it expands the proficiency of group and assists with accomplishing the business and hierarchical destinations. Execution is clarified obviously, which is the accomplishment of qualified targets. The best possible usage and practices helps the representative of the association to accomplish the individual just as hierarchical objective. The other significant part of execution the executives of associations is it assists with keeping up the objective fundamentally (Caldwell, 2002, p.19). Execution the executives is one of the significant components of association control framework and Human Resource Management (Pravin, 2007, P.583). Execution the executives assists with inciting authoritative and worker improvement by its strategies. It additionally covers the vital improvement by a few alterations through its techniques. In addition, it encourages roundabout control of representatives be setting up an unmistakable objective (Bhatia, 2003, p. 39). So as to accomplish the goal of the examination, Tesco and Sainsbury the two driving retail associations of UK has been chosen. They study will fundamentally assess the Performance the executives in Tesco and Sainsbury. Besides, the investigation will investigate the difficulties that have been experienced by the utilization of execution the executives in these two driving retail chains in UK. The examination will build up a decent proposition so as to conquer the difficulties. The suggestions for line chiefs are additional ly have inspected by this investigation. At last the examination closes with an end. Assessment of High Performance Work and Performance Management System in Tesco association structure is somewhat of a bureaucratic structure as power and force streams from the top level to base level in the association. This harmony has the closeness in the presentation the executives framework and prize structure. In Tesco, the top administration workers gain more prize contrasting with the representatives who exists in low degree of the association. In any case, the general prize and execution the board framework and the Performance Steering Wheel is the key explanation of the association example of overcoming adversity of Tesco (Jolly, 2009, p. 397). Client, Community, Employees, Operations and Finance are the significant components of the Tesco’s execution directing wheel (Figure 1). From this guiding wheel the employee’s angle has been examined in this investigation so as to asse ss the exhibition the executives structure of Tesco (Barrow, 2011, p. 93). Execution Management Framework Sir Terry Leahy is the CEO of Tesco, who is especially liable for the development of association. He had built up an unmistakable guide, heading and a compass so as to accomplish a key development. The supervisory crew of Tesco has chosen to create and structure an exhibition the executives system so as to build up a key objective of the association. The exhibition the executives system has made a few key presentation markers in Tesco. The significant reason for this methodology is to guide Tesco towards progress. Execution directing wheel was created by Tesco in the year 2009 so as to satisfy the association just as individual destinations (Taylor and Nichols, 2010, p.11). It has made the groth open doors for the representatives. The reception of this structure has made the occupations fascinating for the

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Finding Diversity Scholarship Essay Topics

Finding Diversity Scholarship Essay TopicsYou can find plenty of diversity scholarship essay topics for you to choose from. However, it is important that you find a topic that suits your target audience. The more specific the topic, the better it will be for you to write about diversity.It is also very important to find a topic that you enjoy writing so that you can be comfortable enough with the academic field you are in. This is why you need to do some research in advance so that you can narrow down the field before you have to choose a topic.There are many resources that you can use to find the diversity scholarship essay topics that you are looking for. One of these resources is an online platform for education providers and students. Here, you can easily find information on academic diversity, as well as academic diversity.There are many websites that cater to the needs of people who want to submit diversity scholarship essay topics. The majority of them offer some form of artic le submission service, but there are some of them that are dedicated entirely to articles.This means that they only offer articles to students who want to write about diverse research subjects. Of course, this also means that they offer topics related to their business and they only have short articles on a number of topics that are related to their business.If you want to write about a topic that is not directly related to your business, then you may want to check out online platforms that are for educators and students. These platforms will provide you with a list of academic diversity topics for you to choose from, and if you find a topic that you like, you will be able to write about it easily and quickly.The good thing about these platforms is that you can use them to write academic diversity on an irregular basis. They also allow you to choose the best academic diversity essay topics for you, so you can get the most out of your education and the most out of your writing career .There are plenty of diversity scholarship essay topics out there for you to choose from. Just make sure that you look into one before you choose a topic, and you will definitely be able to make a difference in your writing career.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Essay about Alcoholism and Drug Addiction - 17765 Words

FORWARDING CERTIFICATE Ms Bandana Grover has been permitted to write a project on â€Å"Alcoholism and Drug Addiction† for B.A. LL.B. (Hons) Internal Evaluation of Amity Law School, Sector – 125, Noida, AUUP. Date: 10th October 2011 Ms. Mokshdha Bhushan Lecturer Amity Law School AUUP Noida - 201301 Introduction Alcoholism and Drug Addiction may be conceptualized as crime without victim that is, addict himself is the victim who becomes a prey of its misuse. This devastating melody is eroding the roots of social, economic and cultural fiber of Indian Society and all across the globe. It gives rise to criminality and criminal behavior which eventually leads to social disorganization. Alcoholism and drug†¦show more content†¦The cumulative toxic effects of chronic alcohol abuse can cause both medical and psychiatric problems. Identifying alcoholism is difficult because of the social stigma associated with the disease that causes people with alcoholism to avoid diagnosis and treatment for fear of shame or social consequences. A common method for diagnosing alcoholism is evaluating responses to a group of standardized questions. These can be used to identify harmful drinking patterns, including alcoholism. In general, problem drinking is considered alcoholism when the person continues to drink when they want to stop because of social or health problems caused by drinking. Treatment of alcoholism takes several steps. Because of the medical problems that can be caused by withdrawal, alcohol detoxification is carefully controlled and may involve medications such as benzodiazepines such as diazepam (Valium). People with alcoholism also sometimes have other addictions, including addictions to benzodiazepines, which may complicate this step. After detoxification, other support such as group therapy or self-help groups are used to help the person remain sober. Thombs (1999) states according to behavioural sciences alcoholism is described as a â€Å"maladaptive behaviour†. He explains this must not be confused with â€Å"misbehaviour†. Behavioural scientists explain that addicts have a behaviour pattern, which may lead to destructive consequences for themselves, their families andShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse : Alcohol Addiction1399 Words   |  6 PagesSubstance Abuse: Alcohol Addiction S15107273 In my essay I will be conversing about a contemporary issue; Alcohol abuse and the implications for the individuals and for society. Alcohol is a drug also classified as a depressant that slows down dynamic functions that results in slow reactions, less concentration and distressed observations. Alcohol dependence is referred to as a chronic disease allied with excessive and habitual use of alcohol. 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The death penalty should not be legal in the American Justice System, because it is immoral, unjustRead More Rebuttal Essay on Needed: A License to Drink1009 Words   |  5 PagesRebuttal Essay on â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† â€Å"Needed: A License to Drink† is an essay written by Mike Brake. In this essay, Brake explains why he thinks people need a license to drink. He has had family members die from alcohol related events and believes they might still be alive if a license was required to drink. Alcohol is related to many deaths and alcoholism is a disease that affects many people. â€Å"It causes more than 19,000 auto fatalities each year, it is responsibleRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcoholism On The Native American Population1098 Words   |  5 Pagesthat the average person’s alcoholism is symptomatic of individual experiences. Alcoholism among the native population is encouraged by overwhelming and uncontrollable outside cultural forces. This is all to say that when Louis writes about his recovery from alcoholism and the effects of the disease on the Native American population, he is reaching beyond the surface implications of excessive drink and moving toward the causes and conditions of that substance abuse. Alcoholism is representative of theRead MoreEssay on Eugene ONeills Long Days Journey into Night1740 Words   |  7 PagesThese subtle signs of her relapse back to chemical dependency continue until the final scene, where she is most obviously under the influences of a chemical substance. The morphine seems to make her reminiscent of the past. In Act III, she talked about her two childhood dreams of becoming a concert pianist or a nun. By Act IV, she has dragged her old wedding dress from the attic and attempted to play the piano again. This presents a psychological reasoning for her relapses. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Juvenile Truency and its Effects Essay - 798 Words

Juvenile Truancy For too many youngsters, cutting classes is the first slip down the icy slope toward delinquency. As early as 1915, sociologists were calling truancy the quot;kindergarten of crime.quot; A 1979 study of 258 adult re-offenders showed that 78% had been arrested for truancy, and two-thirds of the remainder admitted they had been chronically truant but were never arrested. (Gavin 1997) There is a sense that parents fear truancy as if it were an infectious disease that will strike their own kids if it isnt eradicated. In the book, Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class, Barbara Ehrenreich wrote that middle-class parents now see education as the only way they can help their youngsters†¦show more content†¦But tough talk will do little to help the kids who fail at school because of abuse at home. Youngsters who endure physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of their parents may well face more of it if the parents are forced to pay fines or do jail time if the youngster cuts classes. Sometimes parents are not the only causation for truancy, A detective in Lansing, Michigan, who was investigating the chronic truancy of two adolescent girls, discovered that a 27-year-old man had lured them into spending time at his apartment during the day. And what of the youngsters who are bullied every day, forced to hand over their lunch money? We know how merciless kids can be when teasing those who are different - too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too light, too dark. Imagine kids that are gay, some who are taunted and attacked every day for being a quot;fag.quot; A Massachusetts Department of Education Youth Risk Behavior survey in 1997 showed that 22% of gay, lesbian and bisexual students reported skipping school because of safety concerns, compared to 4% of their peers. A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report showed that 28% of gay and lesbian youth drop out of school because they do not feel comfortable there. ( Boston Public Schools 2000) Think what it must be like to sit in classes each day if you are unable to read. While statistics on theShow MoreRelated Adolescence and Juvenile Delinquency Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesI couldnt begin to cover all the possible reasons that may cause an adolescent to become a juvenile delinquent. During my research, I found that the term juvenile delinquency is defined a number of ways. Mosbys Medical Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary summed up juvenile delinquency best with this definition; resistant antisocial, illegal, or criminal behavior by children or adolescents to the degree that it cannot be controlled or corrected by the parents, endangers others in

Untitled Essay Research Paper ML KING free essay sample

Untitled Essay, Research Paper M.L. KING # 8217 ; S # 8220 ; I HAVE A DREAM # 8221 ; SPEECH # 8211 ; AUG. 28, 1963 I am happy to fall in with you today in what will travel down in history as the greatest presentation for freedom in the history of our state. Five mark old ages ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclaimation. This momentous edict came as a great beacon of hope to 1000000s of slaves, who had been seared in the fires of whithering unfairness. It came as a joyous dawn to stop the long dark of their imprisonment. But one hundered old ages subsequently, the colored America is still non free. One hundred old ages subsequently, the life of the coloured American is still unhappily crippled by the handcuff of segregation and the ironss of favoritism. One hundred old ages subsequently, the coloured American lives on a alone island of poorness in the thick of a huge ocean of stuff prosperity. We will write a custom essay sample on Untitled Essay Research Paper ML KING or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One hundred old ages subsequently, the coloured American is still pine awaying in the corners of American society and finds himself an expatriate in his ain land So we have come here today to dramatise a black status. In a sense we have come to our Nation # 8217 ; s Capital to hard currency a cheque. When the designers of our great republic wrote the brilliant words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were subscribing a promissory note to which every Anerican was to fall inheritor. This note was a promise that all work forces, yes, black work forces every bit good as white work forces, would be guaranteed to the unalienable rights of life autonomy and the chase of felicity. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of colour are concerned. Alternatively of honouring this sacred duty, America has given its coloured people a bad cheque, a cheque that has come back pronounced # 8220 ; deficient funds. # 8 221 ; But we refuse to believe that the bank of justness is belly-up. We refuse to believe that there are deficient financess in the great vaults of chance of this state. So we have come to hard currency this cheque, a cheque that will give us upon demand the wealths of freedom and security of justness. We have besides come to his hallowed topographic point to remind America of the ferocious urgency of Now. This is non clip to prosecute in the luxury of chilling off or to take the calming drug of gradualism. Now is the clip to do existent the promise of democracy. Now it the clip to lift from the dark and bare vale of segregation to the sunstruck way of racial justness. Now it the clip to raise our state from the quicksands of racial unfairness to the solid stone of brotherhood. Now is the clip to do justness a world to all of God # 8217 ; s kids. I would be fatal for the state to overlook the urgency of the minute and to undervalue the finding of it # 8217 ; s colored citizens. T his sweltering summer of the coloured people # 8217 ; s legitimate discontent will non go through until there is an inspiring fall of freedom and equality. Nineteen 63 is non an terminal but a beginning. Those who hope that the coloured Americans needed to blow off steam and will now be content will hold a rude rousing if the state returns to concern as usual. There will be neither rest nor repose in America until the coloured citizen is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of rebellion will go on to agitate the foundations of our state until the bright twenty-four hours of justness emerges. We can neer be satisfied every bit long as our organic structures, heavy with the weariness of travel, can non derive lodging in the motels of the main roads and the hotels of the metropoliss. We can non be satisfied every bit long as the coloured individual # 8217 ; s basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can neer be satisfied every bit long as our kids are str ipped of their selfhood and robbed of their self-respect by marks saying # 8220 ; for white only. # 8221 ; We can non be satisfied every bit long as a coloured individual in Mississippi can non vote and a coloured individual in New York believes he has nil for which to vote. No, no we are non satisfied and we will non be satisfied until justness axial rotations down like Waterss and righteousness like a mighty watercourse. I am non forgetful that some of you ha ve come here out of your trials and tribulations. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by storms of persecutions and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our modern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of dispair. I say to you, my friends, we have the difficulties of today and tommorrow. I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold thise truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day out in the red hills of Georgia the sons of former sla ves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interpostion and nullification; that one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as s)fYers and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be engulfed, every hill shall be exalted and every mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plains and the crooked places will be made straight and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I will go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphomy of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to climb up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning â€Å"My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my father’s died, land of the Pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!† And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvacious slopes of California. But not only that, let freedom, ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi and every mountainside. When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old spiritual, â€Å"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.† ————————————- Prepared by Gerald Murphy (The Cleveland Free-Net – aa300) Distributed by the Cybercasting Services Division of the National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN). Permission is hereby granted to download, reprint, and/or otherwise redistribute this file, provided appropriate point of origin credit is given to the preparer(s) and the National Public Telecomputing Network. ——————————————————————————

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Marketing Female Fitness Equipment in Saudi Arabia free essay sample

It is now commonplace to find large organisations operating as multinational companies trading in a vast number of nations around the world. Expanding a business from one country into another isn’t just a case of setting up offices and carrying out operations as usual. There can be huge cultural incongruity between nations which can have a huge impact on the way in which a business conducts both itself and its operations in order to be successful. It is essential that any business wishing to expand trade into a new country avoids ethnocentric thinking and is willing to be flexible to the culture of that nation. McDonald’s fast food chain is an excellent example of a business that has adapted and thrived in over 119 countries in 6 continents. It has achieved this by building the business around the culture rather than imposing themselves upon it. Everything from their menu’s, the decor and the price differ hugely among the different culture’s they operate within. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Female Fitness Equipment in Saudi Arabia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For any exporter (in this analysis, it is home fitness equipment), it is easier to export to some cultures rather than others. If a culture is similar to the exporters own then it will make the process significantly simpler. The challenges arise when attempting to export to a culture that is significantly different from the exporters own. When exporting from any ‘westernised’ countries such as England or America to eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates the cultural differences to be considered are vast and incredibly crucial to their chances of success. Saudi Arabia is currently quite a lucrative and attractive market for investors, it is experiencing high economic growth due to its high domestic oil yield and it’s imports are at an all time high. The collective revenue on imports has increased by 2. 25% from last year and its current gross value has risen from $82,640,000,000 (2008) to $108,300,000,000 (2009), (index mundi 2009). There is currently an obesity problem in Saudi Arabia, particularly among women, with 28. 4% falling into the category of obese, (Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2007). This can partly be attributed to the fact that it is very difficult for a woman to exercise without coming under criticism, particularly from religious leaders. Women cannot exercise in the same gyms as men for religious reasons and the only licensed women’s gyms exist only in government run health clinics, although a few unlicensed, illegal female gyms exist. The main point of opposition to women exercising in gyms is because, culturally it is believed that this will lead to vanity and them neglecting their responsibilities to their families. There are a great number of women searching for an answer to their exercise limitations, particularly from the women’s fitness group; Let Her Get Fat (LHGF). This creates a great opportunity to export home fitness equipment to Saudi Arabia. The potential for success is huge as in contrast to other countries, at home is the only place Saudi Arabian women can feasibly workout. Despite the increase in trade to Saudi Arabia there are still many challenges for those wishing to export there. The first challenge that needs to be addressed is the legal restrictions imposed on any foreign entities wishing to trade in Saudi Arabia. Under Saudi law, any person or business that is not 100% Saudi Arabian owned must gain a Saudi Arabian sponsor for their business in order to trade there, (the-Saudi, 2009). Acquiring a sponsor can be a very difficult process, as the sponsor assumes certain legal responsibilities for the business and its operations within Saudi Arabia and can thus be held personally liable for any breach of Saudi business regulations in accordance with the Ministry of Commerce (MOC). This sponsor not only allows the business to acquire a trading visa but also acts as an advisor and intermediary for its operations. The use of intermediaries is a big part of Saudi business culture, although this can tend to push up the price, the intermediary can provide invaluable information on trading culture thus allowing transactions to run much more smoothly. The sponsor / intermediary and the exporter will, of course, agree on a deal to make the sponsor’s responsibility worthwhile, thus sponsors can make very large sums of money if they prove to be effective. Saudi Arabia has one of the largest royal families in the world, and they have huge influence politically and legally and thus are very poplar targets of exporters to act as intermediaries. There are currently over 5000 Saudi Arabian princes (Datarabia, 2009), so it is not difficult to find a royal sponsor for lucrative business opportunities. To facilitate exports to Saudi Arabia there are even companies that will match up foreign business’s with a Saudi Arabian sponsor such as: www. princevisa. com. It is possible to trade with Saudi Arabia without a sponsor, however, it must happen off shore and it is very difficult to sustain a strong business relationship this way. Religion is a huge issue in Saudi Arabia with an estimated 89% of Saudi’s following Sunni Islam and 5% following Shi’a Islam, (state. ov, 2009). It is probably the biggest cultural difference to be considered. In England religion and it’s practices are very rarely considered when conducting business operations, in Saudi Arabia it is crucial that the Islamic religion and practices are respected and adhered to. When conducting face to face business (which is more highly apprecia ted than communicating through email or phone) in Saudi Arabia men should wear a business suit (as in western business), and a tie with the shirt buttoned up to the collar. In Muslim cultures women are considered as inferior and that men are, â€Å"a degree above women†, (answering Islam, 2008). For this reason it is extremely rare for a woman to be involved in business transactions. However, in the case of women’s attire, â€Å"a look of baggy concealment should be the goal†, (Geert Hofstede, 2005). No business will take place on a Friday as it is a Muslim day of rest, and thus contact to discuss matters of business should always be avoided on this day. It is also common for meetings to be interrupted to allow time for prayer, it is crucial that this custom is observed respectfully. Some may wish to attend a mosque for this or they may just pray somewhere private, such as their office. All visitors to Saudi Arabia are bound by both the religious and standard laws of that country. Clerics hold an immense amount of power and influence and religious police also exist with the power to imprison and hand out capital punishments. Although visitors are not expected to pray or wear traditional Islamic clothing they are expected to act in accordance with its rules. Perhaps the most specific cultural problem when exporting home fitness equipment to Saudi Arabia is that of marketing. Although this product is for both men and women, it is the males in this culture that are the gate keepers and that would be the buyers, thus the marketing must be aimed at males. Any images used in the marketing project would need to picture males using the equipment, and dressed in acceptable attire, under religious laws. The key to marketing the project to men, for the use of women, is to stress the point that it allows the women to lead a healthy lifestyle without removing them from their responsibilities at home. Like any culture there are many points of business etiquette that exist in Saudi Arabian culture. Firstly the left hand is reserved for hygiene purposes and thus is considered unclean, therefore the right hand should always be offered when shaking hands, and only the right hand should be used when touching food. Pointing or giving the thumbs up sign are considered offensive gestures and should be avoided, as should showing the soles of the feet and crossing the legs when sitting. It is also more common in Middle Eastern culture for the customers to give gifts to the suppliers, a role reversal of western culture. It is also common in western business to continue informal business talks and to facilitate business relationships by going to bars and clubs and drinking alcohol. Alcohol is illegal in Saudi Arabia and consuming it or bringing it in to the country can carry serious penalties. The same is true of pornographic images and pork. It is also considered better to avoid talking about religion or women, even to enquire about a family member’s well-being. The cultural differences that exist between England and Saudi Arabia are huge but business can still take place as long as its conducted by those who are open minded. The key is to be flexible and willing to adapt in order to accommodate. The liberal culture of England and the highly conservative culture of Saudi Arabia clash massively, but if the conservative cultural views of the country are respected by English exporters, especially in terms of religion, then a strong export link can be established. References Al-Othaimeen, A. (2007). Obesity: an emerging problem in Saudi Arabia. Analysis of data from the National Nutrition Survey. Available: http://www. emro. who. int/Publications/EMHJ/1302/article22. htm.