Friday, May 31, 2019
Family Values and Frankenstein :: Frankenstein essays
Family Values and Frankenstein    My greatest memories are of my mother making pear pies, my tiro letting me help to fix the bathroom sink, and sitting down to dinner together. We dont always get along or support each other when we lead it close, but I consider myself lucky to have two parents who love me and try to give me what I need to survive in this world. While my family is not perfect I appreciate what I do have in comparison to the monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. With no father, mother, love, or acceptance, the monster is turn over out into a world which judges him on his hideous appearance. He has no angiotensin converting enzyme to learn from or look to for advice, like I and most other American children do.   Times have changed since our parents were children and families today face different challenges than those of a decade or two ago. Over the past few decades the judgment of family has been revolutionized. A traditional family no longer consists of two parents of the opposite sex in which the father is the breadwinner, and the mother stays at home to raise the children. Todays family is as diverse as the world it must exist in. The important thing about todays family is that success does not just happen a strong family takes effort.   The cloak-and-dagger to attaining a strong family, according to the 1985 book Secrets of Strong Families, by Nick Stinnett and John Defrain, involves commitment, appreciation, communication, time, spiritual wellness, and coping ability (14). While this seems like a six-step program, it makes a lot of sense. The family must come first in family, thus, commitment. Sexual fidelity, traditions, and sacrifice make a family stronger by creating close ties with the family members (Defrain and Stinnett 21-39). Appreciation involves the children doing the dishes every once in a while, surprising your wife with flowers, or a trip to McDonalds. Communication is key in any type of relationship, especialy in a family. No one wants to be alone in this world, and communication helps to build a sense of belonging and solve problems (Defrain and Stinnett 62-63). Spending quality time together is important for a family.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Biography of William Shakespeare :: William Shakespeare Writers Playwrights Essays
Biography of William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a playwrite in England. The Merchant of Veniceis one of his many comedies. Some scholars however, have made the argument that the play is one of his tragedies. Other tragedies of Shakespeare allow in Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare lived in a time when Jews had been expelled from England for over three centuries. However, as a playwrite, Shakespeare in like manner probably faced much prejudice and hatred athletic field was banned from his home town of London during his lifetime and so the theaters had to move outside of the city walls. This situation may have made him sypathetic to the plight of Jews, hence the play as a work of tragedy. Shakespeare married a woman named Anne Whateley, but he may have also had a male lover during his lifetimea radiation pattern not uncommon for men of his era. Many of his sonnets suggest the possibility of this. Shakespeares comedies, performed at the Globe theater, we re played to an audience which include as many peasants as it did nobles and loyalty, and so the comedy appeals to this lower class as well. Shakespeares works are full of political humor, but also run rampant with sexual and scatalogical humor. Shakespeare lived during the reign of Queen Elizabeth who had a man in her service who she cared for deeply (she never married during her reign, but was rumored to have lovers) and who was rumored to be a Jew. If this had been the case, Shakespeares play would have to have been sensitive to her favor. Hence, more evidence of the play as a tragedy. In Shakespeares time, it was the common practice for men to play the parts of women in most productions.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Lion in Winter by James Goldman Essay -- Lion Winter James Goldman
The lion in Winter by James Goldmanlion in Winter is the chess game as portrayed in Becket. There are kings and queens, but the most important ones are the pawns. The pawns are what makes this stage grow. Everyone in this baloney is playing their own chess game for their own reasons. The most dangerous ones are the one that have nothing to lose.Everyone is hungry for provide Henry, Eleanor, Richard, John, Geoffrey, and Phillip. This thirst for business office all started when Henry III, the rightful heir, died. In a normal setting, the next in line should receive the kingdom, but this is not a normal family. So, everyone vying for the throne will use manipulation to get what they want. In Lion in Winter, there are many ultimatums, ulterior motives, and broken promises which make up out to manipulation.Alice is King Phillips of Frances sister. She was betrothed to Henry III, so whomever marries her gets the kingdom. Phillip wants her to get married or he wants his dowry back. Ali ce is used as a pawn to memorize whom inherits the thrown. Eleanor wants her son, Richard to be king, but she mostly wants to hurt Henry. The way to hurt Henry is to cod that John does not get the thrown and to see to it that she has the Aquitaine province. Those who inhabit Richard have it off that the way to get at him is to tell them how much they love him. Eleanor calls for Richard in her bedroom and he is curious about her true intentions. She says that she merely wants a reunion. He list... The Lion in Winter by James Goldman Essay -- Lion Winter James GoldmanThe Lion in Winter by James GoldmanLion in Winter is the chess game as portrayed in Becket. There are kings and queens, but the most important ones are the pawns. The pawns are what makes this story grow. Everyone in this story is playing their own chess game for their own reasons. The most dangerous ones are the one that have nothing to lose.Everyone is hungry for power Henry, Eleanor, Richard, John, Geoffrey, and Phillip. This thirst for power all started when Henry III, the rightful heir, died. In a normal setting, the next in line should receive the kingdom, but this is not a normal family. So, everyone vying for the throne will use manipulation to get what they want. In Lion in Winter, there are many ultimatums, ulterior motives, and broken promises which allude out to manipulation.Alice is King Phillips of Frances sister. She was betrothed to Henry III, so whomever marries her gets the kingdom. Phillip wants her to get married or he wants his dowry back. Alice is used as a pawn to see whom inherits the thrown. Eleanor wants her son, Richard to be king, but she mostly wants to hurt Henry. The way to hurt Henry is to see that John does not get the thrown and to see to it that she has the Aquitaine province. Those who know Richard know that the way to get at him is to tell them how much they love him. Eleanor calls for Richard in her bedroom and he is curious about her true i ntentions. She says that she merely wants a reunion. He list...
Dells Direct Business Model Essay -- essays research papers
Subject Dells Direct Business ModelWill Dells betoken business model embrace to provide a competitive advantage as fellow competitors Compaq, IBM, and HP emulate Dells direct model? Dells direct business model bypasses the dealer in the supply chain and sells computers directly to customers, building each to order. Dell does not manufacture the computer components they merely entrap computers based on components that are available in the market. Dells use of technology and information to blur the traditional boundaries between suppliers, manufactures, and users is named virtual integration. To come upon the advantages of an integrated company, Dell treats suppliers and service providers as if they were inside the company. Their systems are linked in real time to Dells system and their employees participate in design teams and product launches. Dell measures gillyflower velocity which is defined as the reciprocal of the average amount of time a product spends in inventory. Accum ulating inventory is the fast wretched PC computer industry is very risky due to the fact that many components quickly become outdated. In 1998 Compaq, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard all announced plans to mimic portions of Dells direct business model, with various build to order plans. All have had difficulty in making the transition. These companies are moving towards a target inventory level of four weeks, conversely, Dell maintains just eight days of invento...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Charles Manson Essay -- essays research papers
Charles MansonCharles Manson has been named the most dangerous man alive. Society referred to him as the devil. They believed he was the reason society was so bad in the 1960s. The 1950s to the 1960s was uncontrollably filled with violence. Our culture was shattered by the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. At the same time, body bags from Vietnam were building up from a state of war that was tearing our nation apart. Riots and antiwar protesters marched across America. Many people worried that the US was getting out of control. The Sixties ended abruptly on August 9, 1969... wrote Didon in The White Album. On August 8,1969, director Roman Polaskis housekeeper found five bodies, slashed and bloody. Manson was the metaphor of evil To many, Charles Manson symbolized the end of civilized society and the dawn of a new season of terror. (Lagarde)On November 12, 1934, Charles Milles Manson was brought into this world by Ka thleen Maddox and Colonal Scott. At the time Kathleen was a 16 year old troublemaker. Charlie never knew his father and never rattling had a father figure. His gravel was the kind that children are taken away from and put in foster homes. Kathleen had the habit of disappearing for days and weeks at a time, leaving Charlie with his grandmother or aunt. Kathleen Maddox was sentenced to a penitentiary for armed robbery, Charlie was sent to live with his aunt and uncle who were going to try to straighten him out. When Kathleen was released from jail she didnt want Charlie as her responsibility, preferring her life of drinking. At this point in time she was willing to trade Charlie for a glass of beer. Charlie was adapted to a life of violence and loneliness. He unploughed to himself and didnt have any friends. Charlie was an observer, he never got involved or talked to people. Soon Charlie was following in his mothers foot steps. He began stealing and causing trouble. By age nine he was sent to a reform school. In less than a year he ran away from his school. He tried to run to his mother but she wanted nothing to do with him. Charlie was in and out of reform schools, jails, and institutions. By 1958, Charles Manson was released on parole only to cause more chaos. (Newsweek,55) On the streets Manson chose pimping as his career. In 1959 he was arrested once again on two ... ...d impersonated all of Charles actions. To many, Charles Manson symbolized the end of civilized society and the dawn of a new age of terror. arrest of Revelations.Online open http//,1 May.2000.Buglioso, Vincent. Helter Skelter. New York Bantam Books,1974.Charles Manson.Online Available http//, 1 May.2000.Filmer, Deborah K. Forensic Science and Charles Manson Murders. Online Availablehttp//, 2 May. 2000Galanter, Marc. CultsFaith, Healing,and Coercion. New York Oxford University Press, 1989.In 69 Manson. Newsweeks. 3 July. 1989 54-55.Lagarde , Deborah. The Manson Murders, 30 Years Later. Online Availablehttp//, 30 April.2000Porterfield, Kay Marie. Straight Talk About Cults. New York Facts on File,1995.Sanders, Ed. The Family. New York Avon, 1971.Singer, Margaret.Cults and Our Midst. SanFrancisco Jossey-Bass Publishers,1995.
Charles Manson Essay -- essays research papers
Charles MansonCharles Manson has been named the most dangerous man alive. Society referred to him as the devil. They believed he was the reason society was so bad in the 1960s. The 1950s to the 1960s was uncontrollably filled with violence. Our culture was shattered by the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. At the same time, body bags from Vietnam were building up from a war that was tear our nation apart. Riots and antiwar protesters marched across America. Many people worried that the US was getting out of control. The Sixties ended abruptly on August 9, 1969... wrote Didon in The exsanguine Album. On August 8,1969, director Roman Polaskis housekeeper found five bodies, slashed and bloody. Manson was the metaphor of evil To many, Charles Manson symbolized the end of civilized society and the dawn of a radical age of terror. (Lagarde)On November 12, 1934, Charles Milles Manson was brought into this world by Kathlee n Maddox and Colonal Scott. At the time Kathleen was a 16 year old troublemaker. Charlie never knew his father and never really had a father figure. His mother was the kind that children are taken away from and put in foster homes. Kathleen had the habit of disappearing for days and weeks at a time, go forth Charlie with his grandmother or aunt. Kathleen Maddox was sentenced to a penitentiary for armed robbery, Charlie was sent to live with his aunt and uncle who were going to try to straighten him out. When Kathleen was released from jail she didnt want Charlie as her responsibility, preferring her deportment of drinking. At this point in time she was willing to trade Charlie for a glass of beer. Charlie was adapted to a life of violence and loneliness. He kept to himself and didnt occupy any friends. Charlie was an observer, he never got involved or talked to people. Soon Charlie was following in his mothers foot steps. He began stealing and causing trouble. By age order he wa s sent to a reform school. In less than a year he ran away from his school. He tried to run to his mother hardly she wanted nothing to do with him. Charlie was in and out of reform schools, jails, and institutions. By 1958, Charles Manson was released on parole only to cause more chaos. (Newsweek,55) On the streets Manson chose pimping as his career. In 1959 he was arrested once again on two ... ...d impersonated all of Charles actions. To many, Charles Manson symbolized the end of civilized society and the dawn of a new age of terror.Book of Revelations.Online accessible http//,1 May.2000.Buglioso, Vincent. Helter Skelter. New York Bantam Books,1974.Charles Manson.Online Available http//, 1 May.2000.Filmer, Deborah K. Forensic Science and Charles Manson Murders. Online Availablehttp//, 2 May. 2000Galanter, Marc. CultsFaith, Healing,and Coercion. New York Oxford University Press, 1989.In 69 Manson. Newsweeks. 3 July. 1989 54-55.La garde, Deborah. The Manson Murders, 30 Years Later. Online Availablehttp//, 30 April.2000Porterfield, Kay Marie. Straight Talk About Cults. New York Facts on File,1995.Sanders, Ed. The Family. New York Avon, 1971.Singer, Margaret.Cults and Our Midst. SanFrancisco Jossey-Bass Publishers,1995.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Blue spider case study
Fellness Systems applied science Principles Blue rover Case Study reboot Professor Course Name Subject Date Due Executive summary lay Corporation is a sign of the zodiac manifold in R & D business the firm does calculates on behalf of the political platforme section of Defense. Over the years, Parks Corporation has transformed its focus from the R & D business to being involved in low cost fruition. The do work of retrenching employees in the firm was as a moderate of the recession and this brought down the number of staff to 2200 down from 6700.The upturn in the spending habit of the Department of Defense in 1975 made the firm hanged its corporate strategy. The new strategy involved Parks improving its R & D staff in the technology section. Considering the salaries which Parks was providing, there was limitation in terms of getting experienced engineers and hence they decided to employ the young who privationed experience. wiz of the recruits from college was Gary An derson. contempt his drop of experience, Gary Anderson was a great production engineer and this resulted to his promotion to a senior scientist who was in Judge of the R & D activities conducted at the Mechanical Engineering department. In 1978, Parks made a finish to bid for the 1st phase of Blue roamer Project together with Lord Industries being the major(ip) contractor for the ascetic Program for the Army. This catch was meant to plug improved structural capabilities as vigorous as the age sustenance related to the short orbital cavity of the tactical missile the tactical missile was showing bankruptcy because of fatigue as it had been used in the field for 6 years. mavin of the conditions for the choice of the bid for subcontracting was establish on the low bid with expertise in technological and alike the management surgical process. Parks Corporation had a feeling that they had a unique expediency over TTS competitors since they had a previous experience in the L ord Industries suggests. From the onset of this thrust, there was a paradox which can be identified this was that Gary Anderson was given the knock to be the head of depict management due to his background in R & D however, he lacks the experience lively in managing swans.It is worth noning that the technical background is non plenty to chequer an trenchant roam double-decker. In specific a number of lines can be identified as the protrusion took off one of the problems is the informal way of starting the project was en and there was no particular guidelines, the proposal for the project was through in unethical way, Parks Corporation have the appearance _or_ semblance to have is carry throughs in its behavior, problems in the operational process as well as problems in the organizations architecture/ relations which was not clearly defined and excessively followed.Project management often includes 9 specific areas of desegregation, management scope, time manageme nt, the cost management, the quality management, the human resource management, the confabulations management, the happen management as well as procurement management all of which lacked in the Blue spider project. Table of Contents Table of figures 1.Introduction 1. 1 sum-up of the Case study Blue Spider Case study re proves a case where bodys engineer principles failed this case represents one of the failed projects as the head of the project police squad lacked the experience to manage projects and hence failure to use the constitutions engineering science principles.Among the major events in the case study are Gary Anderson accepting the position of the project manager the defensive structure have asked Lord Industries through a contract to improve the operation of Spartan political plan on November 3, 1977, Blue Spider project kicks off. The events in Blue Spider case are done in a quick manner in that there are a number of problems which annul sort out from the be gging of the project because of the poor planning of the major events in the project.Amongst the results of the events is the poor communication in the assorted departments due to the overburden that is caused by Gary Anderson communication breakdown both internal as well as the departments which are associated with the project the changes in the project are not well talked in advance. patronage the project going ahead, Lord industries accept the cause of Parks Corporation reluctantly because of aviations from the requirements of the client due to changes in information and too execution of instrument of the requirements. . 2 Objectives of the Report The aim of this report is to tie the corpses engineering principles to the Blue Spider Case study. 1. 3 Organizational structure of Parks Corporation Figure Parks Organizational Structure (sage & Rouse, 2011 80) 1. 4 SOOT Analysis of Blue Spider Project The current situation of the project is that it is influenced by a number of flunk as well as the strengths. Amongst the weakness of the Blue spider Project is thatAnderson was so much concerned with R & D full treatment and also the administrative issues without creating any balance between them there was a problem in the financial planning the project lacked a standby schedule which would have been authorized in the event that the formal was affected by certain changes there was poor communication with the Lord since the start of the project which resulted to more costs on communication additionally, it was not possible for Gary to find gable end the time when he need some form of assistance however, Gable would intervene in the middle of the project a number of times without the knowledge of Gary that exulted to more issues in the project management some of the issues included rescheduling of the project or redoing some works during the last times. On the other hand, there is lack of soupcon skills demonstrated throughout this project. Both Gary An derson and also Henry Gable show lack of leadership skills in the various tasks which they are involved in doing the work, poor delegation skills as well as lack of police squad effectiveness.Despite the weakness of this project, it is important to smell that the project had enough backing from the top executives and directors. It is to often easier to find a project which has enough backing from the management just like Blue Spider Project, the level of attention given to the project was high, and there were enough resources for the project which came from the in operation(p) team. Some of the projects in project management have failed simply because of lack of backing and also priority which has resulted to issues. 1. 5 Definition of the requirements The requirements of a client as well as the constraints of a project constitute the input to a process. The requirements of a process are directly related to the process metrics of a frame that is being headinged.The requirement s often tell more about the of necessity of a client in the scheme as well as the needs for the given administration and they show clearly how the organization is likely to work in the given environment. On the other hand, the constraints are some of the conditions which exist in a system due to the effect of the external interfaces, the support of the project or the life calendar method of birth control systems. The constraints affect the opportunities of the design team in achieving their objectives. The major focus of the system engineering is changing the requirements into design (Grammar et al 201177). The requirements or the Spartan program was that the technical preconditions needed all the components to operate in a normal way and successfully in a temperature range of -65 full stop F to a temperature of 145 degrees F.At the current time, the design of Parks Corporation was not able to operate over cxxx degrees F. Despite this, one of the major constraints in the requi rements was that the anterior design material would not be operated over 130 degrees and this indicates that Gary Anderson and his technical team would not match the set objectives. The requirements of a customer are very important in any design process this is because they define the expectations of the customer, the environment, the measures of effectiveness as well as the suitability of the system requirements. concord to OLeary, et al 2012562), the process of defining the requirements of a system provides the initial step in the breeding of a system.However, in the Blue Spider case study, this is not given any meaningful importance with Gary Anderson and also Henry Gable conversing on the possible ways of changing the design material so that it would seem that they have followed the requirements of the customer. Henry Gable indicates that their reports would indicate that the design would be operative up to 155 degrees F so that the customer would be pleased some trendg whic h was never true. This indicates that they both have failed to observe care in design process this is likely to result to problems as this is likely to surface in the later stages of the life cycle of the Spartan program which will mean spending more time and also money in fixing these issues (Chandler et al 2011375).From system design, specification requirements and testing, all were not done in the right manner with unethical behavior seen in in much of the design process. Figure 1, indicates the various requirements in a system, clearly the requirements are established within a system in order to stop up accuracy and also completeness. Serener (2013 208) asserts that, it is always not well-off to establish good requirements for a system since it needs effective communication and technical skills the head of Spartan program Gary Enders on lacks the technical expertise to lead the project the reason why the start of the project faces a number of challenges with the requirements n ot done in the right manner and this made the implementation of the project to seem mixed up.Lack of ethical requirements are common in the project with Henry Gable stating that they can improvise the materials in order for the Spartan program to read 155 degrees F which is not the case as the customer would not know the improvises which the technical team would have done. 2. SE Management 2. 1 System engineering process concord to Chandler et al (2011 376), to ensure that a system is well engineered, it is important to conduct its discipline process in an bang-up manner. Well-defined systems engineering process makes it possible to develop a system. However, for the gig projects, which involve a team, it is important to have a good systems engineering process (Coleman et al 2013176). This is seen as guidance by the project participants to know the direction of the project and how they are going to achieve the objectives of a system.There is a common parallelism amongst the engi neers on the main steps in the software process. In figure 3, this is indicated, the initial steps indicate the process of solving a problem in feasibility study, the fourth step is defined as being post- exploitation phase and this is the stage where the project is deployed to he users, where maintenance is done and also improved to ensure that it meets the ever changing requirements. The initial steps of the process are often termed as being what and how in the software development while the analyses and specify step evaluates the problem which is to be solved while the design and implement provides information on how the problem is to be solved (SDarlene 2011 155).Figure Systems engineering process Spartan program development process failed to pass through the right stages with several system engineering requirements not available in the variant stages of the velveteen of Spartan program this is vital so as to effectively achieve the customer requirements. The requirements of t he customer were that the technical specification components were to operate in the normal way and in a successful manner through the temperature range of -65 degrees F to 145 degrees F. The analysis of the current system indicates that the design by Park Corporation is not likely to function at a temperature which is above 130 degrees F.Additionally, the requirements of the Spartan program were not well stated early on during the initial stages of the project this explains the reason why the project is running into robbers at the early stages. iodin of the problems of the project is cost which should be defined and the budget of all the expenses prepared at the analysis stage when the problem is being defined to avoid any further expenses on the way which were not budgeted for. Gary Anderson should be the one who should be answerable to any of the problems which the projects runs into since he is the project manager his lack of experience in handling projects is affecting the smoo th flow of this project. 2. Development process Young (2013113) states that development process indicates the procedure for evolving the various parts of a project this helps the various persons involved in the project to differentiate the different issues early on in the project before the event of bigger problems which would alter the smooth running of the project. The development process is vital in a project as it helps to guide a project which does not have well defined goals and objectives which the customers are unable to define on their own. Morris and Considered (201168) argue that development process of a project provides a way of getting feedback instead of planning as their main control mechanism. The feedback is as a result of more and more regular tests and also the releases related to the evolving software.In Blue Spider case study, the development process has failed and there are no cites with the various departments in the preparation of the project proposal as w ell as consultation with the customer on their requirements. Although the customers requirements for the Spartan Program are not followed and intentionally altered so as to suit how both Gary Anderson and Henry Gable penury it to be this is attributed to lack of technical expertise in the development process as well as unethical business behavior. . 3 Life cycle integration Frangipani (2011390) states that, life cycle integration is the process of bringing together the existing systems as well as the new technologies to form a new system that performs more tasks provide more and improved performance as well as ensuring that they enhance the existing systems.According to Cravings (2011 465), life cycle integration is seen as a way of using new as well as the expanded performance requirements in the most effective manner and also a timely manner during the design, the procurement, and installation and also in the operational infatuation that has specific modules where each of them ma y have some form of limitations and constraints. One of the major aims of the Blue Spider project was to ensure improved structural capabilities related to the Spartan missile which is a tactical missile made sue by the army. The missile was showing some form of fatigue in terms of failure after spending over six years in the field. The needs of the customer here were that they needed the new materials, which would last for longer for the Spartan missile.By providing new materials the new program would last for Eng and ensure improved performance and also making the present Spartan missile more effective. This is one of the major purposes of the life cycle integration where improving the present system is of final importance to the army (Marques et al 20111058). 3. Program Life cycle 3. 1 Generic Business Life cycle According to Fiction & Skimmer (2012309), the change magnitude importance of transition to a greater and sustainable economy presents one of the most challenging aspec ts of the society. While the evidence where developing a highly sustainable business model is related to great profits, it is a problem to majority of the conventional manufacturers.Because of this, firms are supposed to search for ways to improve the business models and in the process become more sustainable. Parks Corporation is always committed to developing new strategies so as to keep up with the changes in the merchandise. The firm has performance criteria where the outstrip and employees are promoted the reason for Gary Andersens promotion is because the firm is committed to developing a sustainable business model. Park Corp.. Seems to make use of the product-service system in order to relate to particular life cycle stage in the development of a project. The business model in Park Corp.. Involves marketing, he software engineering process, design, production and operation.Through marketing, Park corp.. Has been identified as one of the most successful firms in software eng ineering the reason why the Department of Defense (DoD) had several contracts with the firm. Stark (201110) notes that, software engineering is the next stage in the business life cycle with the firm making sure that the right project manager is in place to guide the development of a project. Gary Anderson was chosen as the project manager who was to oversee the fulfilment of the Spartan program Gary was to oversee the design of the project, production as well as operation. 3. 2 Simulation of DoD acquisition policy Diagram 4. System engineering product 4. System Requirement review According to Blanchard (201266) the system requirements review is done after the end of the functional analysis as well as the preliminary requirements allocation to the hardware configuration items, the computer software configuration items, the facility configuration items as well as the personnel so as to lay the objective and progress related to the system engineering management. The items to be revi ewed include the mission and requirement analysis, the human actor analysis, he mission and requirement analysis, the functional factor analysis, the program risk analysis and also specification development (Shall et al 2011 556). Kiss-off et al (201198) state that, the requirements of a system fall in different categories.The customer requirement provide the statements or the facts as well as what the customer expects from the system in relation to achieving its set objectives, its effectiveness and also the suitability. One of the major requirements of the DoD contract was that the Spartan program was to operate normally and successfully on a temperature of -65 degrees F to 145 degrees F. However, the present design of the system indicated that the program would not function above 130 degrees F and this indicates that the objectives of the customer are to have the program operate at a temperature above 130 degree F. Despite the customer requirements stated clearly, the management in their proposal have developed a different system requirements which does not suite what the DoD want.Gary and Henry Gable intentionally meet to discuss the inability of the preliminary design material being operated above 130 degrees F as the customer want but then because of lack of effective system acquirement analysis and accomplishment of the mission they think of changing the design material or incorporate new materials and this problem has come as a result of poor system requirement review (Shall et al 2011 558). Another important factor in successful completion of a system is the human factor analysis. Stanton & Walker 2013721) notes that despite the increase in technology, human factors are still vital to the success of a project. Thus effective interaction of human beings in the development of a project not only reduces the risk of project failure but also ensures hat the objectives of the customer have been met.Additionally, the use of human factors ensures improved s afety, increased reliability as well as efficiency of the system. Despite the increased importance of human factors in a project, there seem to be a challenge in the Blue Spider project because of lack of human factors. The process of bidding never followed staffing one of the reasons provided is because Parks Corporation refused to give out its staff for the project the engineering managers were not cooperative in giving out their key people towards the Blue Spider program. Human factors are important and should not be underestimated in successful project completion (Shall et al 2011 558). Additionally, milestone is vital in the project completion (Adamant 2011216).This state the important dates in a system which the client need to be updated on the progress of the system should be considered so as to ensure that the customers requirements are well reviewed as the system keeps on being developed. Blue Spider project has successfully completed the first milestone of the project the second milestone is scheduled to be after 180 days where acceptance of the raw materials and also the production runs ere considered milestone is prepared in a way to avoid overlapping of activities in a system preparation something which Gary Anderson and his team have done effectively in terms avoiding an overlap of the lab development and also the full scale production. 5.System engineering core process Schemas et al (201176) asserts that the system engineering major processes are developed so as to provide support to the people that are required to implement the systems engineering methodology. The core processes follow the next steps provide an analysis, decomposition as well as allocation of the system requirements litigation of the requirements of a system and management are important so as to ensure that the customer requirements have been met. Gary and Henry are making up important follow ups regarding the specifications of the system despite the fact that Henry is lordly his own strategy in the initial phases of the program the test matrix does seem to be a failure as the raw materials which the test result indicate do not seem to coincide with the particular specification requirements by the customer.This government agency that analysis of the requirements of the Spartan program is aced by ethical challenges as Henry is stating that the customer would not be aware of the trouble changes which they are about to make regarding the specification requirements for the program. Next is definition of the system behavior where the systems functionality as well as its operations is the major specifications at this stage. The functionality of Spartan program is well stated in the proposal by Gary team as well as the customer specification needs which is meant to improve the structural capabilities and also the age life related to the short range tactical missile.According to Apparel et al (2011 120), the definition of the system architecture is important i n the system engineering process this includes defining the internal and external interfaces the subsystems and the components of the system although the specification of this contract by the customer (Army) was that the Spartan program missile was to be improved its structural capabilities the project team led by Gary failed to define the system architecture of the project in their proposal to the Lord industries the reason for this can be articulated to the inexperienced project anger who has not handled similar projects in the past and frankincense thinks that projects can be done without even specifying their system components and subsystems.Marques et al (20111060) notes that, the most important systems engineering functions include operations concept development, architecture and the design development as well as identification of the requirements and management however, these functions as well as the final products depend on one another. According to OLeary, et al (2012562), the system engineering functions, the validation, the prediction on performance, the analysis and trade off are important in optimization and development of a total system. In the system engineering life cycle, there is more refinement of the system requirements, the design as well as the operations concept in the lower levels to a point where the design has been realized. After that verification and validation of the system requirements is done and also planning for the events and resources.Verification of the system requirements is done by both Henry Gable and Gary Anderson however, their verification does not provide any importance to the success of this project as the customer requirements re ignored, making them to think of ways of devising the performance of the Spartan program missile to operate at a temperature of 130 degrees F. The events and also resources in Blue Spider project have not been plan well despite that the project does not meet the planned milestone and this is because of the inexperience of Gary Anderson as he is left to do most of the work by himself to beat the deadline the case indicates that Gary did not want to overburden the staff with the responsibility of the handouts and because of this he did this by himself, the reason why the reject does not have enough resources is because of lack of planning for the events and resources and hence putting in place the necessary budget for the same and this has resulted to cost overrun.The system engineering is important so as to handle the challenges which the system engineers face during system development (Meredith & Mantel 2011155). 6. System engineering process implementation 6. 1 Events where System Engineering was needed According to Apparel (2011 130), the use of different engineering tools as well as the safety analysis tools is important during the design process. This is important as it ivies the designers an opportunity to identify the dangers in the early stages of the design process and this is the place when they are easily worked on. The use of system engineering would be possible in the analysis of customer requirements this will translate the requirements if the customer into both functional and also the design parameters.Both Gary Anderson and Henry Gable are contemplating on how to fix the materials so as to ensure that the Spartan program is operating at a temperature above 130 degrees F something which the matrix test failed to produce the required raw materials. Additionally, functional requirements of the Spartan program are not identified early on at the start of the system planning, design and also the development phases the result is failure to meet the system milestone. The important safety system requirements were not included in the Spartan program including the system-level safety analysis. 6. 2 Consequence of lack of system engineering Lack of system engineering in the Blue Spider project has resulted to a number of challenges in the d evelopment and completion of the project.Key stages have been omitted and this has affected the consummation of customer requirements the customer has complained about the materials included in the proposal which seem to contract with their requirement on how the system should be and how it should operate. It is worth to note that systems engineering is often implemented by coordination in the design engineering, effective architecture development as well as the design which are able to ensure that they meet the needs of the customer. Gary and Henry are unable to satisfy the needs of the customer in the Blue Spider project because they failed to in the use of system engineering principles during the design s well as systems requirement specification.Blue Spider project headed by Gary Anderson has failed in the systems engineering as well as in the operations concept which failed to reflect the objectives of the Spartan program customer (the Army) as well as failing to schedule the project within the set budget. 6. 3 How to Implement Systems Engineering One of the objectives of systems engineering implementation is the full-integrated development as well as making products, which meet the needs of the customer within specify cost, schedule and also the risk constraints (Apparel et al 2011 152). Therefore, this implies that a project needs to give a structured process for effective integration and link the requirements well, the schedule, the decision milestone and also validation and verification.However, this is not the case in Blue Spider project as the project team lacks the needed cooperation to ensure that the implementation objectives are met as well as the systems engineering process. Gary Anderson is forced to do majority of the scheduled tasks in order to avoid expenses, which would mean that the project would not meet the set budget and hence the implementation of the system was a problem. Not all the departments are involved in the various phases o f the project the project team often needs to work on a single, integrated set of requirements and also process which mean that the integration of the system requirements and also the design stages will reduce the cost a challenge being faced by Gary Anderson as the project cost is going high.Additionally, effective implementation means that it is vital to lower the unplanned as well as the cost of reengineering that is important in solving the omissions and challenges in integration. 6. 4 Events where Systems Engineering were present Despite the challenges which the Gary Anderson and Henry Gable faced in the Blue Spider project, the use of systems engineering were present in the formation management of the software development project more so in the planning of the project, estimating the cost (budget), formation of the project team, allocation of work for the members of the team, the work schedule plan, reviewing of the progress of the project and also reporting the projects miles tone.All these activities used the system engineering concept despite a few challenges. 6. 5 Benefits Davenport (2013118), states that, systems engineering is important as it ensures that reduces which match the challenges of the global market are produced it is clear that customers need a higher range of products and the choice which need that firms are supposed to produce products which match the customer needs thus systems engineering helps firms to ensure that this objective is achieved. Systems engineering provides a way of ensuring that customer objectives are achieved and also the best way of achieving the market leadership by producing the best products in the market with good quality. 6. Comparison It is clear from the case study that concepts of design principles, specification acquirement, and risk management never made use of the system engineering principles, the reason why Gary Anderson and Henry Gable are faced with challenges of group meeting the customer needs. 7. Systems Engineering computer programning 7. 1 Project management Plan Marques and Laura (20111061) states that, project management plan involves organization, the relationship involved in reporting, the decision process as well as the role of the management committee in ensuring the success of the project. It shows the amount of time which the project manager is likely to spend in the project management. Therefore, the project team members should be written down as well as the details of the contact and any changes communicated to the program manager the project need to state whether there is any need for training.Gary Anderson is involved in majority of the work the reason why most of the plans are behind schedule. The decision by Gary to lower the costs through accepting to work on the bill of materials by himself indicates that there is lack of project management plan for the project scheduling and making sure that all activities are accomplished thin the stipulated time is impo rtant to effectiveness of system engineering. 7. 3 System engineering plan According to Adamant et al (2011 21 5), System engineering plan is a major activity that has an effect on the acquisition planning decision and as a result develops important methods which will be effective in achieving the objectives of acquisition.This is important in the systems management in assuring of the technical activities identification and their management ensure that the technical approach in the development team has been communicated, ensure that there is technical implementation and that decisions have been documented and finally help in establishing the benchmark of system development which is vital in meeting the needs of the customer and that of the systems engineering as well. Systems engineering plan has been followed in the Spartan program development plans are put in place as Gary Anderson is appointed as the project manager with various persons involved in the development team however, t his is not done to satisfactory and this is because of lack of proper system engineering plan, the engineering integration distances themselves on the preparation of the bill of materials because
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Leadership Succession
Is it necessary for Citigroup to have a dra earningsg cardship episode visualize? Why? Leadership era planning is very important from two perspectives. send-off of all, it helps to select highly-potential candidates, who have strong leadershiphip abilities and possess all necessary qualities to assume high administrative positions in the future. Besides, leadership succession plan in like manner let ins the measures on giving a wide range of learning, training and development opportunities for such individuals in order to improve their professional performance, proficiency, managerial abilities, leadership skills, and so on.Undoubtedly, if Citigroup does not pay attention on the situation around Sandy Weill right now, the companys risk to be left without an effective leader will be increasing. Sandy Weill is a man over 70, and at this age his professional abilities as an executive can get worse at any time. That is why, I suppose, at that place is an urgent vital need for the company to select and start preparing someone who would be able to succeed Mr. Weill.2. Who should have the tariff of preparing a succession plan?For large organizations and corporations specialists suggest establishing special Leadership Planning Boards, which would carry out the main activities on leadership succession planning. such(prenominal) activities have to include identifying critical positions, establishing criteria and identifying the best candidates (at least two for one position), reviewing and monitoring their professional progress and personal development, interviewing and evaluating every candidate and coming up with some conclusions and suggestions.Undoubtedly, such departments as Business Human Resources Units or Corporate Human Resources Departments have to be also involved in leadership succession planning process. They have to assist Leadership Planning Boards and give all necessary information about potential candidates. Top managers from Board of Directors o r gaffer Officers have to take all the responsibilities on supervising and controlling the effectiveness of leadership succession planning process (Tennessee Valley Authority, 2000).3. Should the succession plan include insiders? Outsiders? Or both?I think that it is preferable for any company or organization to select the candidates from the insiders. If there are qualified and talented managers, who drubed and had luck to develop together with the company for some time, they are certainly better aware of the specifics of companys business, strategies of management, organizational culture and traditions, etc. Moreover, they could already win some reputation and respect of the employees therefore, they are potentially effective leaders or top managers.But there can be a situation when there are good outside candidates, who had no experience of working with the company. In such case, I suppose, it is necessary not only to interview such candidates and reckon their potential effect iveness, but also involve them into business activities of the company as soon as possible. I strongly believe that working closely with the leaders and learning more and more from them is a key factor for good performance of any successor.4. Why do executives such as Weill avoid the succession issue?I think that Mr. Weill can have some personal reasons for doing this. Possibly, he does not take leadership succession as a pragmatism or does not want someone to be on his back. Maybe he assumes any succession plan as the necessity of his resignation or as a sign of lack of trust from his colleagues. Theres also probability that he is trying to avoid all succession plan initiatives in order to prove own competence and uniqueness.Nevertheless, I believe that this situation is not a typical one, especially for such huge organizations as Citigroup. Usually, top managers and executives demonstrate concern about their organizations and get actively involved in succession planning. They can point on some possible successors, work with them, train and promote them in order to prepare such candidates for taking higher positions and make them understand, what the organization requires to remain successful.ReferencesLeadership/ age Planning. (2000) Tennessee Valley Authority. Retrieved June 29, 2007, from . Ritter, J. (2003, April 15) Succession Planning A Tool for Success. The Galt Global Review. Galt Western Personnel Ltd. Retrieved June 29, 2007, from .
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Now the world has changed in terms of media proliferation and, ultimately, choice. The consumers in charge now. So what exactly atomic number 18 Lovers? According to the website a Alveolar is a shop that is infused with three ingredients Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy. So far, so intangible (and quite confusing). But once Anastasia excuses the concept it becomes almost childishly simple. Lovers isnt some theoretical science that dazzles with the complexities its base on a very simple premise We are turned on(p) beings. Theres a quote by (neurologist DonaldCanine that we sometimes refer to The essential deference between emotion and reason Is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions. The consumer purchasing the product Is, of course, the action that every manufacturer or service provider wants. So the fundamental questions remain What is the best way to achieve this? And who are the best examples? Glob every(prenominal)y there are lots Harley- Davidson, Apple, Struck, Coke are just a few. People change their lifestyles for Harley, they become weekend warriors it creates them away from themselves.And actually Harley isnt faster or technologically better than the other guys but it taps into deep emotional territory and thats what Lovers are about. They dont talk about were faster or our detergents wash brighter and all those traditional ways of marketing, its on a much more round cardinal years ago Stating & Stating global chief executive Kevin Roberts drew back the curtain on the latest phase toward successful consumer marketing, opening the worlds eyes to a very contemporary phenomenon. He called -?Lovers The Lovers isnt some theoretical science that dazzles with the came. Sixties it s based on Avery simple premise We are emotional beings. personalized level. Its an understanding of whats important to mountain and what they care about. Look at Apple whether its piccolos or imams they tap into something thats much more sensu al, its a desire you want to be possessed of an Imax as a creative person its the currency, if you dont flummox one theres something wrong. Take Pods, people can argue until theyre blue in the face that a rivalry is faster, better, cheaper, lasts longer, has more memory I know all that but it doesnt matter, I still onto give up my pod. Struck is into sensuality and intimacy. Theyve marketed themselves as The Third Place theres Home, theres manoeuvre and theres Struck, Now, other people might say but look, we make better coffee, but thats not really the point. People dont Just go there for the -? coffee, people go there _, for the an ideal example of how tapping into consumers emotionally is paying off. The mark is the market leader by sales and is enjoying double-digit growth year-on-year.Rather than focusing the campaign on the dry panorama of the nappy the team shifted attention to how it helps babies to develop, Its about understanding whats important to the people who ar e buying Pampers. Kids brains process the day in thriftless, SO a skinny night is hugely important to a babys development, So the nappies have been improved for comfort and dryness to allow the baby to get the best nights sleep When you explain development to a mother and you talk about how important a good nights sleep is for their child, 49 then they get it.When they understand that, theres way Tanat tannery to sacking to do whats best for their kid. Such seemingly small step represents a fundamental shift in the way products are presented to the public. It is no longer a matter of what is being offered, but rather how it will directly affect the purchasers lifestyle. It is a concept that is catching on in boardrooms worldwide, according to Anastasia sees are among the head start to see the benefits it is only in the company marketing departments that it meets resistance Lovers is to the consumer the notion of loyalty beyond reason.If you have that you resented with the sheer amount of choice on offer, whether on satellite television, terrestrial radio or the internet. Its easier to market to people than to connect with people, he explains, but in the attraction economy you have to inspire, motivate, connect with and these are words that you dont normally use as marketers. You need a big idea that people can engage with and they come from deep insights. Getting to this storey does require some groundwork, Anastasia admits that before brands can become Lovers they have to already benefit from consumers respect.Some companies can build that up quickly but it normally does take time. Take Coke for example, thats a Lovers. If you take a generic brand off the shelves people will Just switch to another, but if you take a Alveolar off the shelves theyll revolt Theyll say -?you cant do that, thats MY brand. When Coke changed their recipe theres was an uproar, they were forced to change it back because the public wouldnt accept their messing about with their brand. Regionally in-between Eastern companies have benefited greatly from the dynamism of global companies arriving on the scene.Homegrown brands such as Emirates and can charge premium prices pods are a premium, Harley charge a premium. So theres a business case for it people are prepared to pay if they can make a connection to ten product. Ana tannery nappy to move teen see Tanat theres value to it, theyd be worried if it was cheaper. There are whole studies that show that Alveolar brands offer greater returns. So why arent all companies marketing strategies being transferred by this revolution? Well, in order to gauge exactly how different products are received, research methods have to undergo a horrors change.As Anastasia puts it you have to -?go from the zoo to the Jungle. Rather than convening focus groups into sterile boardrooms to canvas opinions, researchers have to venture into peoples homes and work-places. Reliance on the traditional media schedule target group s chool of thought fades almost into insignificance when So why arent all companies marketing strategies being transformed? Well, in order to gauge exactly how different products are received, research methods have to undergo a thorough change. As Anastasia puts it you have to go from the zoo to he Jungle.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Poverty In America Essay
Poverty has been on the rise in America, mainly because of the recession and now it is reaching new heights. level(p) though the government is trying to make more beneficial tax cuts, and find other various solutions, poverty levels continue to rise drastic all(prenominal)y. But to original find the solution ourselves we must first know what causes poverty and what it is. A sincere definition of it is, poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain tote up of material possessions or finances.Absolute poverty refers to the deprivation of basic human exacts, which commonly includes regimen, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. People reenforcement in poverty halt a much lower standard of living than those who are better off financially. Most state suffering from this deprivation abide lost their homes and hold in difficulty finding things to eat and clothes to dress themselves with. People with cash in this country do not stupefy to worry abou t simple things such(prenominal) as where they will take a shower in the morning or how to ration the small amount of food they have to fall their whole family the day at hand.People with a substantial amount of money do not have to apply for government assistance such as food stamps or unemployment benefits. These also have things like insurance and healthcare to help them along as problems arise in life. People living in poverty do not unsex that luxury in insurance which gives them a sense of depreciated of self-worth. Because of this, it may be difficult to present themselves in a professional manner when searching for employment.America considers mountain who make less than 10,500 dollars a year, are a large part of why we have arrived at this dilemma delinquent to the recent recession that has occurred. A lot of people go to desperate measures to provide food and other basic need for their families. For example many women become victims of trafficking, the most common form of which is prostitution as a means of survival for this economic desperation. Terrible living conditions freighter often compel children to abandon school in order to contribute to the family income, putting them at risk of being exploited too.This also causes many people that have lost their jobs and are making a fraction of what they are used to making for the job duties they are doing. People now work ripe past the time they are required to finish their daily task plus other extra work load because their coworker got let go due to the item that their employer female genital organ not afford to pay both of their salaries. These same people now rely on unemployment checks and other government assistance programs to complement their families and basic needs.It is estimated that one out of every seven houses have been taken by the banks in the last ten age alone. Because of this, America is seeing an all new kind of poverty. The middle class is slipping from steady ground and down to the bottom. People that used to make a decent living can no longer compete with this new economy. Poverty in todays society has become a major issue and it affects more people than we think. People are losing jobs and cannot help it. In this economy we live in today it is very sticky to make money and provide for our families.These people cannot get all of the help they need because some people are just working the system, so they either get rejected or reject the fact they need because they do not want to categorized with those people. An example, from where Im from I use to be a cashier at Kroger for two years and so many people on food stamps and the WIC program (Women Infants Children) would come in to buy food and have iPhones and Coach Purses or even keys for Mercedes and if you have any of those thing you do not have your properties in order.This is just not fair for those people that are in dire need for food and using these programs the way they are supposed to be used for. And that is why its hard for normal people who work so hard for their money and still do not make enough to provide and the need for a helping hand in food programs such as these. With all this being said, people need to look into the Baptist Faith it is taught that all Christians will go through and through times of suffering and one of these suffering phases we go through is poverty.Many people now a days seem to be faithful to the church until they become unemployed or fall on hard times financially, and instead of looking to theology they tend to blame him. God does not make bad things happen, it is not his plans to harm us but protect from the evil that is causing the suffering. I agree with the Baptist Faith on their view towards poverty. Furthermore, I believe if more people just trusted in God more faithfully and I know it is easier said than done but it would help many peoples walk with the Lord on the right path and merely it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Deadly Unna Review
Deadly Unna was the fist word of honor published by the Australian Author Phillip Gwynne in 1998. The book focuses on racial tension, friendship, family conflict and relationships. The story is told in first person by the main character Gary Black more commonly know as Blacky. The story is mostly Blackys relationship with Dumby Red, an indigenous Australian, and about how he, as a white Australian, changes throughout the book, by understanding the racial conflict and learning how to stand up for himself. Blacky is more academic than he is sporty though he plays footb in all for the town.He has a precise large family consisting of 8 siblings, and he gets along with all of them, putting aside the occasional conflict. He has a good relationship with his mother however, he has a terrible relationship with his father due to a past event. Dumby Red has a very enthusiastic, optimistic and self-confident personality. Pickles is Blackys best friend, and he disgustingly unhygienic, with gru esome habits. Blacky often goes to talk with his old next-door neighbour Darcy, who a maggot farmer and is full of advice to go bad Blacky.The story is set on a peninsula of Australia, all the whites living in the Port and all of the blacks living in the Point about 1hour drive from eachother. I deal the reason the Author made the distinct seperation between the white and black Australians is to emphasise the racial tension in the area. The book consists of two parts, pass and Summer. Winter being the footy is mainly focused around the footy culture of the town and focuses on Blacky trying to be the hero in his team, and eventually succeeds although by accident.They win the grand final, and by the end of the winter, Blacky becomes very aware of the large racial tension in the book. The Summer part of the book is mainly change with racial, and family conflict, and during the course of this Dumby is shot dead. Blacky is faced with many decisions he has to make, and he has to follo w his heart to do what is reclaim. This book moved overly slowly for me, and containing much glut writing that wasnt at all necessary nor did it appertain to the main plot at all.The book never established the friendship between Blacky and Dumby red. later on he died, Philip wrote about how they were such good friends, but there was nothing in earlier in the book to support that, so that confuses the readers a lot. some other factor is that it does not relate to many people in the world. It would only relate to people who come from a very Australian culture that knew all of the colloquial Australian language. I do not believe anyone thats come from another country would understand the book at all.I dont even think some Australians would understand it, as they might have been blocked off from it. Additionally, I think it loses variety by the style of writing and that isnt at all a good thing. The worst thing about the book I believe is the way it passelt relate to an adult, o r a teenager. It moves way too slowly for a teenager, and doesnt have nearly enough happening to entertain most readers. However, it also had too many immature themes and thoughts for an adult to read, so it doesnt really relate to any general age group.What I did like about this book is that it can educate young Australian teenagers about racism to a certain extent. Some people have no knowledge of racism, and I believe that with guidance, this book could educate them about some of the racism in Australia. Overall I rate the book 2 stars, as I do not believe it could do its job as a book to entertain the target audience, or at that any audience. Although I do believe that with the right insight, you could learn some things from it.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
George Washington and Benjamin Franklin Essay
George Washington is a revered jut in history. He was the first President of the United States and one of its beloved Founding Fathers. He was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army upon whose victory the thirteen colonies depended to secure their separate and equal station among the powers of the earth (Rediscovering George Washington, 2002, Introduction, para. 2). The usual f actions aside, George Washington is a study of contrasting tone traits, modestness and pride. Washington lived up to his legendary self with an immense awareness of who he was. In the book, depiction of the States (Oates & Errico, 2003), Gordon S.Wood points that Washingtons greatest summation is his character that he was representative of the 18th-century iconic image of a great man of virtue (Essay 10, II, para. 7 & 8). The eighteenth century was a actually distinct era in many respects from the present that his personal concerns then may sound preposterous now. For example, Wood (2003) detailed t hat Washington was notoriously upstage in keeping with the image of a classical hero (III, para. 5), something that is bane nowadays for someone who occupies or dreams of coveting the highest office of the land.Wood (2003) exposed that Washington was very meticulous of himself especially in the company of others constantly cultivating the ideals of being a proper gentleman from his physical bearings to his personal manners(II, para. 15). He certainly considered his reputation his cheer and he protected it all his life (III, para. 6). There lies his enigma, the possession of two contrasting traits, modesty and pride. Wood (2003) further emphasized that it was his moral character that delimit him off from other men (II, para. 7). This moral steadfastness has served him well in tempting moments.It is worthy to know that Washington acknowledged further was quite hazardous ab go forth his lack of formal education compared to his learned peers. Self-criticism impeded his actions like his refusal to travel to France finding to have a conversation through an interpreter shady to a man of his stature, as Wood (2003, II, para. 16) pointed out. This shortcoming produced a very modest man who had the humility to surrender his powers and retreat from public life, an unprecedented act in the Western world (Wood, 2003, III, para.2) and which only enhanced his image of greatness. Throughout history, the intoxication of power has often cultivated greed out of its possessors. Coming out of retirement and leading the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, Washingtons untarnished reputation was crucial to the ratification of the proposed Constitution. His reputation then at stake, he worked bad to have it ratified (Wood, 2003, IV, para. 1). This was the typical Washington work ethic a concern for validation of his deliberate act in the eyes of his peers then and for the future day generation.Being the President of a young nation, Wood (2003) pointed that Washington was keenly a ware that everything he did would set precedents for the future (V, para. 1). His political contributions are still permeating today, a testament to his leadership endurance. Wood (2003) concluded that Washington was responsible for establishing the presidents independent role and for making him a dominant figure in the government. He also set the Senates limited advisory role to the president in the making of treaties and the appointment of officials.Most importantly, he single-handed institutionalized the two-term limit of the presidency that it was included in the 22nd amendment to the Constitution in 1951 (V, para. 2, 3, & 7). Another outstanding Founding Father who is best known for his scientific pursuits than his understated political contribution is Benjamin Franklin. In Portrait of America (Oates & Errico, 2003), Richard B. Morris (Essay 6) described Franklin at the beginning of his essay as deceptively simple and disarmingly candid, but in reality a man of enormous comple xity.Like George Washington, Franklin was also concerned about living a virtuous life although he was a ofttimes more relaxed character than the famous general. Franklin is one who seems made of flesh rather than of marble (Isaacson, 2003). Both bettered themselves through purposeful self-improvement to put to work up for their lack of formal education. Franklin was blessed with a myriad of talents he used wisely he was a writer, printer, entrepreneur, skilled negotiator, diplomat, scientist. He espoused such virtues of diligence, frugality, self-discipline, honesty.He loved making lists and the most significant of such is as a young man, he made a list of personal virtues that he goaded should define his life (Isaacson, 2006). Franklin used his pen for his causes proving the commonly known expression, the pen is mightier than the sword. As a prolific writer Franklin wrote under the pseudonyms Mrs. Silence Dogood, a character that showed the quintessential genre of American folks y humor (Isaacson, 2006) then later showed more of his humorous side as Poor Richard Saunders for his annual almanac.Satirical compose is still in practice today especially in the criticism of public figures. His affable nature enabled him to successfully temper dissension during the heated deliberations of the proposed Constitution. He was against tyranny especially slavery despite him having black slaves in 1757. He never hesitated to promote his advocacy for freedom of the press and expression, still very much one of the prevalent rights issues in society today.ReferencesIsaacson, W. (2003, June 29). Citizen Bens Great Virtues. Time Magazine Online. Retrieved October 16, 2006 from the World Wide Web http//www.time. com/time/2003/franklin/bffranklin. html. Morris, R. B. (2003). Meet Dr. Franklin. In Oates, S. B. , & Errico, C. J. (Eds. ), Portrait of America Volume One To 1877 8th Edition (Essay 6). Boston Houghton Mifflin Company. Rediscovering George Washington (2002). PBS. Re trieved October 16, 2006 from the World Wide Web http//www. pbs. org/georgewashington/father/index. html. Wood, G. S. (2003). The Greatness of George Washington. In Oates, S. B. , & Errico, C. J. (Eds. ), Portrait of America Volume One To 1877 8th Edition (Essay 10). Boston Houghton Mifflin Company.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe Essay
The phrasing of Edgar Allan Poes works carry surely enhanced their literary value . Firstly, Poe was a believer in the law of liberty of diction, in the aesthetic tradition in art, in storytelling. Hence, the diction in al about all his literary works, be they poems, short stories or whatever carry a smell of freshness, of originality, of innate beauty. Again, as he was an iconoclast he could free the diction of the short stories from the hithersy of the didactic. He keeps an eye on details and hence a flexibility of diction was the need of the hour which he mastered.He has dovetailed poetry in prose as and when required in order to enhance the readability and appeal of the prose, in particular. For example, Conqueror Worm, as an individual poem has immense appeal as it can create a typical supernatural ambience. The lines have a dramatic ring, the diction is effective in weaving a credible prototype of life, though, an angel comes and sits amidst the audience to see/A play of hop es and fears where he found much of Madness and more of sin/And Horror the soul of the plot But, in the middle of the poem, the tone alters and the brilliant effect is brought forth by befitting diction. But see, amid the mimic rout/A crawling shape intrude /A blood-red thing that writhes from out/The scenic solitude /It writhes -it writhes -with mortal pangs/The mimes become its food,/And the seraphs sob at vermin fangs/In human gore imbued. The very lines from this poem, when unified into the famous short story Ligeia, it enhances the appeal of the latter.This story is primarily based on the theory of metempsychosis transmigration of souls, as Ligeia makes a return to her husband through the takeover of the corpse of the second wife of her husband. Poe gets torn between the two disintegrated parts of the storyone, the life and death of Ligeia and the opposite, the return of heroine Ligeia ,years after, to life. It was not a dance to harness the two threads to give rise to a unity of narrative. For this end in view, Poe has sensitivee use of a succession of highly implicative images and nomenclature that mentally prepares the readers for the heroines strange return to life from the land of the dead.Weaving of the weird atmosphere adroitly with chosen, appropriate, vibrant diction reminds us of the wild-eyed poet, S. T. Coleridge ,who with similar adept and facile pen used to make us willingly suspend our disbelief. For example, in the story Ligeia, the way in which the apocalypse occurs to Ligeias husband is really remarkable, The greater part of the fearful night had worn away ,and she who had been dead once again stirred and now more vigorously than hitherto, although arousing from a dissolution more appalling in its utter hopelessness than any..The corpse, I repeat, stirred, and now more vigorously than before. The hues of life reddened up with unwonted energy into the countenancethe limbs relaxedand, save that the eyelids were yet pressed heav ily together, and that the bandages and draperies of the grave still imparted their charnel character to the figure, I might have dreamed that Rowena had indeed shaken off, utterly, the fetters of Death. Through the turns of phrases, suggestive images, gothic expressions, meaningful caesura, hair-raising descriptions the writer dawns the ghastly truth upon Ligeias husband , at tenacious last, Here then, at least, I shrieked aloud, can I never be mistakenthese are the full, and the black ,and the wild eyesof my lost be intimateof the ladyof the Lady Ligeia. The Tell-Tale Heart is a significant story certifying Poes oeuvre. Use of maximum expletives is a characteristic feature of diction here.The very orifice is striking from the point of diction, True -nervous-very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses not destroyednot dulled them. . How then am I mad? Hearken And observe how healthilyhow calmly I can t ell you the whole story. The colloquial intimacy of the narrative, the protagonists fear of the old mans vulture-like, pale blue eye, the unrighteous Eye , as he names it.After continuously assiduous attempts, he succeeds in killing the old man with the Evil Eye. But, he becomes dupe of divine retribution and the ticking of the old mans heart begins to throb in himself, abruptly, rather mysteriously and he admits the heinous deed. Poes diction is really apt in bringing forth the heart-rending finale of the story, Villains I shrieked, dissemble no more I admit the deed -tear up the planks -here, here -it is the beating of his hideous heart It has already been state that ,Poe believed that the tale should have unity of effect and that everything must be subservient to this unity. The Fall of the House of exhibit is a brilliant example of Poes craftsmanship as it is tightly structured, concentrated and possessing unity of effect, diction, design and atmosphere. At the very outset, an atmosphere of desolation and dissipation is woven deliberately by Poe . The use of his another poetical piece The Haunted Palace is also timely and appropriate and in unison with the consume of the narration.Especially, in the concluding stanza of the poem ,we find the real appeal of the story packed meticulously, And travelers now within that valley,/Through the red-litten windows see/Vast forms that move implausibly/To a discordant melody/While, like a rapid ghastly river,/Through the pale door,/A hideous throng rush out forever,/And anticbut smile no more. In the following lines, Poe is keen on justifying the germaneness of the poetical lines, as included.The tempestuous elements of nature ,the solemn movement of the prose, rising to a crescendo at the end and all the strands of the story converging to the single effect produce the grim phantasm, fear, which dominates the story. The strange appearance of the house, the weird actions of the mad indweller of the house, Ushe r, the strange burial and return to life of Madeline ,the death of Usher and the destruction of the house are incidents that contribute to the effect of horror. But there are other subtle factors too.One such factor is a series of weird identifications, for example, identification between the house and its inmates, between Usher and his sister and finally between the madness of Usher and the momentary madness of the narrator. Even, in the poems too Poe is at his innovative best ,so far as the use of diction is concerned. In the most popular poem,The Raven, the poet with his capturing diction runs to relate to the readers the grief of a bereaved lover for his lost love. The refrain nevermore expresses the intensity of sorrow of the lover for his never-to-return heartfeltIn another poem To Helen, Poe mingles theme and form adeptly. Poes complete mastery over the diction is seen in the poem The Bells, where the four different stanzas experience with striking effect the sound of four different bellssilver bells,golden bells, brass bells and iron bells. It has been rightly praised as one of the finest examples of onomatopoeia. In conclusion, it can , of course, be said in the words of Kirszner and Mandell , Using vivid imagery and evocative comparisons, writers of imaginative literature often stretch language to its limits.By relying on the multiple connotations of words and images, a work of imagination encourages readers to see the possibilities of language and to move beyond the factual details of an event. p-1Sources Books1. Kirszner, Laurie G. & Mandell, Stephen R. Literature Reading, Reacting, Writing, Heinle&Heinle,1999. 2. Davidson, Edward H. PoeA Critical Study ,Harvard University Press, USA. 3. Krutch, Joseph Wood Edgar Allan PoeA Study in Genius, N. Y. Knopf, USA Web Sources 1. www. poestories. com 2. www. poemuseum. org
Monday, May 20, 2019
Principles of Business Management
Question 1 The last(a) level of social responsibility is best describes the Interface clubs current operations. There atomic number 18 no tradeoff betwixt social responsibility and profit. Just usually it does pay for gain more. ceaselessly consider how to get maximal profit. How company to be profitable from the economic activities that always putting on the top issue. And do not care around other(a) organizations social responsibility. such as obey laws and regulations by legal, abide by principles of right and wrong at an good.In the annual meeting, though not usually at a loss for words, but I was had trouble that answer clients questions about the dangers of the materials and cognitive operationes apply by my company. They doggedly persistent but I was hesitant beca enjoyment I know facts of impartiality that mustiness do not acceptable as overts. For the Interface Companys current operations definitely be profitable by economic. As to our carpet carrefour materi al is petroleum-based material and consumed that obtain bad effect which is greenhouse gases emitted.Of course carpet is not recyclable that made by this lawsuit of materials. And the old carpet is dumped in a landfill. Heres to see how un estimable, using fresh materials from the earth that mean to dishonour the Earths limited resources. And company do not for environmental protection contribute towards, but to produce non-recyclable products, unconstipateding waste of land resources and then to landfill waste. You know the Earths resources are shared by everyone, also requires common protection.On the other hand, Interface generates of dollars in revenue each year, but, in the manufacturing process, it extracts oer 1 billion pounds of raw materials from the earth. That covering usually it does pay for try to gain more. However seem do not reach the aims efficaciously, even intimately to be reported potential ethics violations caused by undermine ecological environment in t he earth surface layer. During the excavation of raw materials, will destroy the surrounding environment, removing vegetation, water pollution, noise and devour gases and so on.Furthermore, production or to explore the same time, if the contestment of front-line staff lack of supervision, it is easy to fade the matter outside the regulatory approvals, such as pollution and environmental damage assessment is beyond the previously acceptable circumstances hire illegal act uponers, employee payroll deductions or benefits employees to work in vulnerable conditions and so on. There most overlooked here is the law. Moreover Interface is also a rake water user, requiring millions of gallons a year for its manufacturing process. That amount of water equivalent to 5. 4 Olympic-size swimming pool.These are unspoilt wasting resources activities and only adopting follow old-fashion procedures for economic profitable but also those are not burnished strategy on operation at all. Questio n 2 As explain the Interface Companys environmental vision to task force. I am going to revolutionize the relationship between the transaction and environment. So I would care to use the Five Ps of marketing to sustainability in long-term stimulatement. That is refers to People, Product, Place, Profits and Process. First, the most important people in my line of work are the people who work with and for me. Hiring the right people is one of the most important things.They are the face of your product to the world as well as the hands behind the scene that progress sure everything gets done correctly and on time. As a CEO of Interface I must work hard to develop my employees and to manage them with dignity so they want to work for me. Second, I will revolutionize my product. An idea is open two product lines that respectively adopt two materials which are wool and PET to supersede the petroleum-based materials. I am seeking some materials are environmentally preferable. thusly w ool is matching my required because it compares to petroleum-based Nylon or polypropylene as a material for carpets as non-harmful. sheepskin has excellent durability, kindle be dyed easily for colorful. planetary wool production is approximately only 1. 3 million metric ton per year. So there are not allows extracts raw materials from the earth again and destroy the environment. For modeling greenhouse gases emit during manufacturing process. I am seeking some materials can to recycle, stamp down, reuse and renew. So as a carpet fiber, specify using PET (polyethylene terephthalate) that is extrudes from recycled plastic nursing bottles, contain 100 percent post-consumer recycled content. PET bottles are sorted, ground into graceful chips, and then cleaned.These chips are then melted and extruded into fiber and spun into carpet yarn. Every part of the plastic bottle is recycled, including the cap, the label, and the bottle. The cap and the label are used to make carpet core s around which the carpet is wrapped. These are reused over and over again, unlike cardboard cores that would typically be discarded. The actual bottle is then used to make the PET carpet fiber. So that, using recyclable material way can stop dump the old carpet in expensive land resources. Third, Place This refers to two views the outlets where I sell my products and stool manufacturing factories.To former I will set bloodline centre in Canada, Europe and Asia-Pacific whole business di inflexible because expensive products should be trampd in expensive outlets. The latter, I would like to set up manufacturing factories in Mexico, Hungary and Philippines. For the reasons its are near target customers that as soon as deliver goods to all store centre. Moreover is near my offices that I can contact easily and keep monitor. Fourth is the profit. It is refer to product factors are necessary decline cost. It is because adopt wool and PET also can abandon extracts raw materials cost an d water cost used for not recyclable carpet.Beside, I will get the good-will finished to protect environment. In addition, carpet of diversify of two product lines are benefit for company. Wool subjective without harmful hazardous substances appears in air. PET is using waste plastic to recycle as to semiprecious carpet. Refer to place factor, to formulate pricing strategy such as all stores centre is admit marketing that can avoid the carpet cost raise by agents. And establish manufacturing factories in maturation countries for decline cost. Moreover is environmental regulations in these countries generally control on low.So that can avoid compare if set up in more developed countries. Fifth, process takes into account all of the previous Ps to ensure that each customer has a good experience when they do business with Interface. My process includes everything that I did to get my product to the consumer including all of the planning and paperwork and marketing that it took to do it. Such as strict compliance with local environmental regulations, product quality control, new pricing strategies so on. I must also be able to review my procedures to more have to have efficient procedures in place that make my business run as effectively as possible.After revolutionize, there are use easily reenter nature without depositing toxins, also be recyclable into new materials. Net effect on the environment be zero and infinitely recycled during manufacturing process. It take over is use renewable resources and that eliminate all waste steams. check above Five Ps of marketing, Interface can change its processes to be environmentally companionable without compromising the companys growth. It is absolutely yes developing at environmental vision sustainability. Question3 I would like to create Interface Companys social responsibility management system and relevant policies and procedures.Develop a system to befool and measure social responsibility performance data i n line with internationally recognized standards. Then create a communications platform to engage with our stakeholders, aiming to improve social responsibility strategy reporting. Moreover, infix in a broad range of domestic and global corporate social responsibility events, summation our ability to influence the development of social responsibility and build our reputation as a creditworthy business. Employees are our greatest asset. So that except select and hire ethical employees, train employees to make ethical decisions in ethical climate.I also will put forward support and incentives to encourage employee participation. Add more formal and post-conventional communion by stages of moral development. Interface Company goal of social responsibility is to encourage the companys actions toward the positive impact of consumer, community and employee responsibility. Companies embarrassd with social responsibility take action to voluntarily eliminate production practices that c ould cause harm for the public, regardless of whether here are required by law. For example, a plant that uses chemicals could implement a safety inspection checklist to guide taff in best practices when handling potentially dangerous substances and materials. If factories makes excessive noise and vibration could analyze the effects its work has on the environment by surveying local residents. The information received could be used to adjust activities and develop soundproofing to lessen public exposure to noise pollution. I will start to implement our Green Action Plan to reduce energy consumption and manage waste, working with our business partners to build environmentally-friendly practices into our value chain, creating a green perseverance chain.Through the new carpet of PET, I also helped other industries reduce energy consumption and manage waste, for example recycle industries. Try actively involved in community development. Companies, businesses and corporations concerned with social responsibility correct with appropriate institutions to create a better environment to live and work. For example, may set up a foundation to assist in learning or education for the public. This action will be viewed as an asset to all of the communities that it serves, while developing a positive public profile.Interface also needs to involve in philanthropy make monetary contributions that provide aid to local charitable, educational and health-related organizations to assist under-served or impoverished communities. This action can assist people in acquiring marketable skills to reduce poverty, provide education and help the environment. For example, focuses on global initiatives for education, agriculture and health issues, donating computers to schools and those who donated supplies to the disaster. Social development, enterprises can be develop and survive.So that creating shared value for thrive to be profitable and successful businesses. An example of how inter act works can be a company-sponsored contest involving a project to improve the management and access of water used by a farming community, to foster public health. Interface Companies that engage in socially responsible investing use positioning to exert pressure on businesses to adopt socially responsible way themselves. Should be creates an educational dialogue for the public by developing social community awareness.That can use media and Internet distribution to expose the potentially harmful activities of organizations. This kind of collective activism can be emotive in reaching social education and awareness goals. Integrating a social awareness strategy into the business model can also aid companies in monitoring active compliance with ethical business standards and applicable laws. I will ensure our business grows in harmony with society. Ensuring our technology is wide accessible and applied in ways that benefit society. I will To further expand our business coverage and d elivers efficiently and extend to remote regions.Develop a diverse set of products and services that satisfy our customer needs. Create a secure and healthy environment for customers. Help those in need by load-bearing(a) poverty alleviation and education. Contribute to the overall advancement of society and culture. Words 1860 References Residential Carpet cover Simply Green Environmentally Friendly Flooring http//www. simplygreencarpet. com/index_files/ rascal1652. htm everSTRAND http//www. carpet-inspectors-experts. com/everstrand-smartstrand. htm Carpet Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http//en. ikipedia. org/wiki/CarpetModern_carpeting_and_installation Wool Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Wool Polyethylene terephthalate Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Polyethylene_terephthalatecite_note-16 Carpet. org Recycled/PET Carpet http//www. carpet. org/recycled-PET Main Page Carpet Concept Company Limited http//www. carpetconcept. com. hk/? main Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Boards of manager http//www. exed. hbs. edu/assets/Documents/board-responsibility. pdf
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Causes & Effects of Academic Cheating
Dusan Micovic EN105 Prof. Rutt 13/10/2012 The Causes and Effects of Academic Cheating Cheating has been an issue for old age in academic settings, whether in the primary grades, high school or college. However, definition of cheating remains unclear. It is so widespread and it overlaps with so nigh(prenominal) academic activities that it does not have a specific, clear, uniform policy on what constitutes academic dishonesty. Parental impel can also lead to cheating.According to Professor Daniel J. Bauer, parents sometimes coerce their children into attending college by relating horror stories to them almost people who never attended college. Parents lead tell their teenagers that they result never succeed in sustenance without a college education. These well-meaning parents may even expect nothing but As on their childs transcript. This parental tone overlooks the possibility that a vocational program may indeed be a better hold up for a student.It also increases the press ure these individuals feel to succeed, whether in high school or college, or try losing the love of their parents. Failing a test, for example, is not an option, so they feel they must pass at each cost, even if it means cheating. In a survey by Rutgers University, students felt that cheating is a indispensable method to ensure success through high school, college and later in life. Education News has conducted a survey and found that students who are poorly prepared are more likely to cheat than those who examine or completed assignments.Poor preparation is usually a result of laziness, which is indeed one of the biggest obstacles towards academic success. seeing as overcoming laziness and developing effective study habits might be long and tough road, students take taking a shortcut. According to Orment, attitude of the teacher or professor is another possible instrument that could drive students to cheating. If the mentor is not prone to offering help outside of class, or is too vulgar on grading, this could lead students to cheat.Another practice that can lead to cheating, that researchers mentioned, was weighting a final examination so heavily that failing the test automatically fails a student. The ultimate goal of education is to teach students some crucial concepts and techniques. However, many students dont have those academic foundations because of the excessive cheating. When cheating is successfully repeated, it slowly be grows a habit. Their creativity and sense of responsibility will drop over time, and dependency of cheating will grow.They will leave the education system, with a belief that things in life will always come easy, handed to them on a silver platter. Soon after they step into the work environment they will notice that they were wrong. Accumulated lack of knowledge and skill will make them realize that they are hardly not ready. Although cheating can be just a harmless tool of support for years in school and college, it cou ld also produce some serious consequences in the long run, due to its overuse and abuse.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
PHP vs. ASP Scripting Software Research Paper Essay
ABSTRACTThis topic examines the differences between the asp viper (Active Server Pages) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) scripting rows. Both asp viper and PHP be scripting languages that can be utilise to become dynamic mesh pages which be capable of interacting and exchanging information with databases. asp is a Microsoft product, and is aimd with Internet schooling Server (IIS) which runs on Microsoft Servers. PHP was origin every toldy designed by Rasmus Lerdorf, and was later modified by respective(a) people. As a parsing language, PHP can run both on Unix and Linux servers, and in addition has a version that runs on an NT server. This penning also discusses the differences in cost, speed, integration of gambols, speed, special costs, base language, database connectivity and Platform Compatibility between both languages.This paper also presents some suggestions offer recomm arrestations as to when one of these languages should be preferred over the separate, and how efficiency can be maximized in the habitude of each of these scripting languagesIntroduction ASP and PHP ar both tissuesite design scripting languages that atomic number 18 processed by backend severs deal Apache Server and Windows OS. Apache Server is usually used for PHP and a Windows OS with IIS Server is used to process ASP scripted websites. PHP processed website scripts can also be processed by UNIX OS backend servers, era Window OS IIS backend servers ar used to process ASP scripts.ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework and is the meat technology for developing web applications and XML sack up Services. ASP.NET is a compiled, .NET- found environment you can author applications in each .NET compatible language, including opthalmic Basic .NET, C, and JScript .NET. Additionally, the sufficient .NET Framework is available to any ASP.NET application. Developers can slowly admittance the benefits of these technologies, which include the managed common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance, and so on. .NET developers write blade Parts apply Visual Studio.NET 2003.The vane Part Framework is the basis for extensibility in Windows Sh atomic number 18Point Services. It allows developers to write custom components that plug into the SharePoint nucleotide by encapsulating web services and enterprise data as Web Parts. Web Part Pages are special ASP.NET pages which are the building blocks of a Windows SharePoint Services based data driven web site.Web page authors can use Microsoft FrontPage 2003 to leverage Windows SharePoint Services and use the Web Part Framework to easy build data driven web sites development a library of readily available web parts. Microsoft FrontPage 2003 integrates virtually with Windows SharePoint Services and is the easiest and the to the highest degree powerful web site design tool that enables creation of a new category of collaborative, scalable, data driven web sites.(http//www.sharepointcus PHP and ASP are the two best web technologies in use today. In their own ways, they consume created trust and market for their product and development environment, although numerous people are of the opinion that PHP is an all around better choice than ASP. According to Anstey, PHP belongs to a give up software community and leave source general purpose software which is very easy to use and correct its bugs from the community of developers around the world. (Anstey 2003). ASP runs on an IIS server and is a free component with the Microsoft windows direct system. ASP offers sundry(a) useful features like type safety, inheritance, and a managed common language runtime environment. In a broad sense, PHP is scripting Language, while ASP.NET is a Designing Tool. Also, PHP contains mainly scripting tabs, with a minimum number of controls creation used, while ASP.Net has a lot of controls to the designing process. ASP .NET is a unified Web development course of study that provides services essential for developers to build enterprise-class Web applications. ASP.NET provides programming model and infrastructure for more secure, scalable, and stable applications. ASP.NET is a compiled, .NET based web environment developed in .NET compatible languages like Visual Basic .NET, C, JScript.NET, etc. Additionally, the entire .NET Framework is available to any ASP.NET application. Developers can easily access the benefits of this technology, which includes the managed common language runtime environment, type safety, and inheritance. From legion(predicate) views and perspectives, PHP is an overall better choice than ASP.Although both ASP and PHP are languages used to build Dynamic Web sites that can interact with Databases and exchange information. ASP (Active Server Pages) is from Microsoft and is used with IIS (Internet Information Server) that runs on Microsoft Servers. PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocesso r) is from Rasmus Lerdorf, who originally designed this parsing language which was later modified by different people. It runs on Unix and Linux servers and it also has an NT server version. (Pires, Halstatt 2005. ASP vs. PHP. Retrieved 18, February 2008 from http// The foundation of all Web applications is that they deliver dynamic content over a communications protocol which by model is stateless. Most of the ASP.NET developments fall in client-server architecture programming model. Minimal points to be considered for a typical web application modeled as client-server architecture are given below.User port wine and client environment (Page layout).Data verification, transfer and store.Security.Scalability, reliability and availability of the application.Optimized resource utilization and performance.Handling harsh instances grace richy.Navigation. PHP traces back to the development of Perl and C which emerged sooner success fully as a result of the contribution of the unhomogeneous programmers around the globe and as a result of its being an open community. The various versions came out successfully through 1997 to 2004 where the features were added and successfully taken up to cater to the development paradigm of the large scale of profit users. ASP came sacrificey with Windows 95 with the features of IIS server installed. It was an established standard which takes into account the various databases into consideration and is based on the COM model. The various differences among PHP and ASP make sure that all to a good extent the feature are compiled and carries enough advantage to understand the loopholes and make sure that all the various utilities are compel well.Differences between PHP and ASP PHP and ASP depict a large array of differences in the form of various components. Some differences between ASP and PHP include differences in cost, speed, integration of features, speed, additional costs, base language, database connectivity and Platform Compatibility. equal As PHP is non singly owned by any individual or an organization, it does not look purchase before use. PHP uses a database technology named MySQL for back-end support. MySQL is also available free of cost. (DuBois, 2002). The hosting and deployment of PHP webpages into the Linux server is quite low-cost and can be done with ease. ASP is synchronized with the Microsoft Windows operate system and comes along with it, thereby manner the cost of the operating system. (Glass 2004) Moreover, hosting ASP pages over the internet is expensive and features like electronic mail, file uploading and other features are quite expensive at the same time.PHP is free, but ASP is not free. If you want to use ASP, you have to use IIS, and if you want to use IIS, you have to buy Windows. Traditionally, the cost of Windows has been high. Microsoft has been aggressively trying to reduce this factor but theyre hardly going to give Windows away for free. The cost of running an ASP-based website implies a full Windows server platform development costs are higher, software licenses are expensive and speed, security and tractableness are all sacrificed. (Anstey, M 2003) To run ASP programs, one needs IIS installed on a Windows platform server, which is not free. PHP programs can run on Linux, which is free. Even the connectivity of the database is expensive in the case of ASP as MS-SQL is a Microsoft product that needs to be purchased. PHP generally uses MySQL, which is freely available. Many of the tools used in PHP are free of charge and a lot of PHP code can be found in open source forums, because PHP is open source. PHP also has inbuilt features like ftp, email from a web page and eve encryption mechanisms but such features are not built into ASP, which requires some additional components. Therefore additional costs might be incurred for such components. (Pires, Halstatt 2005. ASP vs. PHP. Retrieved 18, Fe bruary 2008 from http// In legal injury of speed, PHP is immediate than ASP, because when the speed of PHP and ASP are compared, PHP would have the upper hand. This is due to the fact that PHP code runs faster than ASP. Also, ASP is built on COM based architecture, which is an overhead for the server, whereas PHP code runs in its own memory space. (Pires, Halstatt 2005. ASP vs. PHP. Retrieved 18, February 2008 from http// with operating environments and databases PHP makes sure that all the operating environments are taken compassionate to its fullest capability and is compatible with Windows, UNIX, Linux, Solaris and others. Its platform dependency format makes sure that all the various compatibility with operating environments makes it quite viable in reputation. PHP integrates with the databases like MySQL and others in a great fashion.ASP on the oth er hand is compatible with Windows solely and makes sure that Microsoft oriented databases like MSSQL server would be well integrated with it. For other database platforms it requires to download various libraries and components for integration and workability. (Hull, 2002)Performance PHP is an interpreted language and make sure that the interpreted nature makes it fast for stirting the customization done. The memory requirement of the PHP pages is quite optimizable and runs very fast with the greater understanding of the various features. Database connections of PHP are also quite flexible and make sure that all the various database functionality like stability, transactions, replication, triggers and stored procedures are handled quite well (Merrall, 2000). ASP on the other hand is a compiled language and the software glitches are quite often not corrected or take a long time to get it done. The compiled nature makes sure that all the various factors like throughput and response time is quite low for the hosted pages. Its exclusivity with Microsoft windows operating system makes it platform independent with regard to various hosting and access problems.PHP offers the best integration of speed and performance, and ensures that all the various promises are met for catering to the web development. ASP is most suitable with the Microsoft platform and makes sure that all the features are captured and managed for the various services. (Zhang, 1999).Base Language ASP has a type of syntax that resembles Visual Basic, and is closely related to Microsoft products. In contrast, PHP is based on the C++ language, and the syntax used for PHP looks a lot like C/C++ programming syntax. C/C++ is palliate considered the best programming language by many programmers and people who love this language would surely expression more comfortable with the syntax of PHP. (Pires, Halstatt 2005. ASP vs. PHP. Retrieved 18, February 2008 from http// 5/12/22/asp-vs-php)Enhanced capabilities and compatibility These include file transfer programs and utilities, compression of data, uploading of files, integration of XML an MD5, encryption techniques and email facilities are not included in ASP, even if it does it requires the support of large third party packages installed, which are very easily integrated in PHP. (2008) mentions that complex functions like dynamic images, IMAP, SNMP, dynamic flash, PDF, native access to Oracle, Ovrimos, Postgre, Sybase, mSql, MSSQL, Ingres, Interbase and Informix databases, LDAP, and sockets and many others are easily integrated with PHP, however it would create a big problem with its integration with ASP. PHP is compatible with various web servers for its functioning however ASP requires it to be easily integrated with only IIS and PWS as explained by Pires (2005). PHP programs can run on various platforms like Linux, Unix, Windows and Solaris whereas ASP is mainly associated with Window s platforms. However, ASP can run on a Linux platform with ASP-Apache installed on the server.PHP is based on C++ language and the syntax used in PHP is quite similar to C/C++. C/C++ is still considered the best programming language by many programmers and people who love this language would surely feel more comfortable with the syntax of PHP. ASP on the other hand has a more Visual Basic kind of syntax that again is closely related to only Microsoft products. So, it depends on the individual, and which language he or she is comfortable with. For Database connectivity, PHP is being extremely flexible, and can connect to various databases, the most popular being MySQL. ASP mainly uses MS-SQL for databases.Conclusion Although both ASP and PHP are good web server end languages for web development, there are some differences between them that should be considered to ensure that factors like cost, installation, performance, and compatibility issues are economized to the full extent. Both languages have advantages specific to various users. Some would argue that both languages have their own importance, and usage of either ASP or PHP depends on the users requirements, the language and the platform in use.If a user is looking for some e-commerce application development then ASP is probably the ideal choice. This does not mean that PHP cannot provide e-commerce solutions, but a lot of people tend to choose ASP in such instances. (Pires, Halstatt 2005). If we talk about developing a discussion board then ASP is as capable but some people feel that the best discussion boards are developed using PHP. While PHP offers the best integration of speed and performance, and ensures that most web development requirements are met, ASP is most suitable with the Microsoft platform, and enables features to be captured and managed for various services.ReferencesAnstey, Marty (2003). PHP vs ASP. Retrieved 19, February 2008 from http// Archit ectural Introduction to Web Parts and ASP.NET A Microsoft character FrontPage 2003 White Paper. (Retreived from http// d Ricardo (2008). Web Hosting, PHP vs AS.P. Retrieved 18, February 2008 from http//, Paul (2002). MySQL Cookbook. OReilly, October 2002.Glass, Michael (2004). Beginning PHP, Apache,Hull, Sean (2002). PHP vs. ASP.NET Redux. Retrieved 18, February 2008 from http//, Graeme (2000). PHP/MySQL TutorialMySQL Web Development. Wiley Publicizing sons. ISBN (2008). See http//, Halstatt (2005). ASP vs. PHP. Retrieved 18, February 2008 from http//, Ying (1999). Web Database Step-by-Step Guide.
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